The South America Region is comprised of four fields: Andes North (Colombia-1975, Venezuela-1982, and Ecuador-1972); Andes Central (Peru-1914 and Bolivia-1945); Southern Cone (Argentina-1919, Chile-1962, Uruguay-1949, and Paraguay-1980); and the sub-region of Brazil (Brazil-1958). Spanish is the predominant language of most of the region, with Portuguese as the official language of Brazil. The Church of the Nazarene established work in Peru in 1914, the first official work in South America, and continued to open new works and register in new countries from the mid-1940s through the 1980s. There is a strong missions focus in South America, with many missionaries from that region serving around the world. This passion is felt in every generation and is finding new expressions of missions service and opportunities for young people who sense a call to serve through missions.
| 2,495 Organized Churches; 437 Not Yet Organized Churches
| 2,035 District Licensed and 2,038 Ordained Ministers on 83 Districts
73 Missionaries come from the South America Region; 93 Missionaries serve on the South America Region
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Pray that God’s calling would remain alive in the hearts of the youth that were a part of Kaleo.
- Pray for churches, pastors, and leaders who accompany young new pastors and missionaries as they begin their ministerial journey.
- Pray for the church planting process in South America, which will focus on cities without a Church of the Nazarene.
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Praise the Lord for the doors that were opened to the more than 2,500 youth from South America who were part of Kaleo.
- Praise the Lord for the many who are training for ministry and missions through the ministerial education programs of the South America Region.
God placed the KALEO (Called) conference on the hearts of youth leaders in the South America Region with the purpose of seeking 1,002 (Luke 10:2) new workers, called to serve in missions, in pastoral work, in church planting, and to be professional disciples committed to their mission.
Kaleo was held from August 1-4 in the city of Trujillo, Peru, and brought together more than 2,500 young people from South America. Nazarene Missions International (NMI) and Missionary Mobilization had a stand with resources for young people in which information, souvenirs, mementos, and materials were provided. Hundreds of young people passed by the stand, sharing their experiences and asking for guidance for the beginning of their missionary journey. Many of these have registered their missionary call on the missionary opportunities site of the Church of the Nazarene. The stand was attended by young volunteers from the regional missions team, as well as children, all of whom have a growing passion for missions.
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Almost 400 young people signed up for the workshop “New Global Contexts and Missionary Opportunities” given by Ruth Bravo, regional NMI coordinator, and Junior Rodrigues from Missionary Mobilization. The workshop showed the needs of the world and challenged the young people to find their place in the mission, whether going out as missionaries or being a part of the sending church. Many opportunities for service in the Church of the Nazarene were shared with this enthusiastic group. Hundreds of young people responded to God’s “Kaleo” to take the next step and get involved, both in the local church and in cross-cultural missionary experiences. Pastor Leo Barreto, regional NYI coordinator, presented the closing message, focused on missions and inviting all those who were sensing God’s call to share the God of Hope for this generation in a world desperately in need of hope. Participants were invited to pray for the nations of the world. There is a sense of missions urgency sweeping the South America Region and a deep conviction that God wants to move this generation to impact the nations with God’s transforming love.
Is God calling you to serve on the South America Region? For more information, click here.
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