Once upon a time...
These four words have a magical power. Around the world they compel readers to open their hearts and minds, to meet new characters, and be whisked away to a new land with a new history and a storyline that draws us in. These four words usually begin epic tales of adventure, love, conflict, drama, or tales of prophetic learning that changes the way we think.
Scripture is no different. It begins with epic words as well… “In the beginning." Scripture takes its students on a journey of adventure, conflict, drama, wisdom, learning, all in a longer plot line of a love triangle: Creator, Son, Holy Spirit, with humanity as the center. These stories set the scene for OUR stories – the stories we live as the continuation of God’s story of love written for the world to read. Last week, we ended our "The Stories We Live: The Characters" series realizing David, and YOU, are the true love interests in the greatest story of all time where God is the protagonist. We asked you to consider how you are writing your STORIES with God in this love relationship into which God has invited you.
This week we start a new sermon series where you will begin to think through, write, and pray over your response, or MY STORIES.