A Nazarene support network providing fellowship, discipleship, and resources that strengthen educational ministries
| Jan Wilton, Public School Representative
The words, “I love you” are special. Some family members and close friends say these words to each other as a form of “goodbye.” Lighthearted references to God are also spoken in society. So how do we relate the love of God to today’s children when “love” and “God” are words used so casually? Read more
Donna’s youngest has had the incredible privilege to write an article about his mom. “As a child, I remember my mom not wanting to go to the grocery store because it was so hard for her to read the labels and price tags." As I remember those challenges, I find myself even more thankful for her drive and desire to live for Jesus. Read more
| Use Something You Despised as a Motivator |
Becky Ramsey, Public School Representative
|As a full-time teacher, I absolutely disliked the task of preparing for a substitute teacher. So many times, the lesson was not understood nor followed, no matter how much explanation I put into the lesson. Read more
| Mark Taylor, Christian School and College/University Representative
I have experienced many first days. However, on this first day of teaching, I experienced something that has never happened again to me. Read more
| An Accidental Love for Teaching |
Rev. Henry Sweeney III, Christian School Representative
In 2005, I found myself needing a second income. As a bi-vocational pastor, I wanted to find a position where God could use my talents and skills for his Kingdom. I drove to the school and walked into the office. I was greeted by my former principal. Before I could say anything, she turned and said to me, “You're here to be a substitute teacher.” Read more
| Compelled by Christ’s Love |
Lindsay Parson, Homeschool Representative
So how does a person plan to teach the depth of Christ’s love? This is not an easy task because of the complexities in this world. Christ’s love is an experience that glorifies God and edifies everyone who accepts it. Read more
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