Dear Willamette community,
With gratitude for the heroic efforts of many healthcare workers, agencies, and communities, we are pleased to report that the world is in a better place in our response to COVID-19 than we were three years ago, allowing us to transition away from the emergency response phase to the virus.
Due to improving metrics, the federal government is officially ending the national COVID-19 public health emergency on May 11, 2023. This shift represents a transition from a systemic crisis response to a more proactive phase of managing a lower-level COVID threat that, similar to other viruses, will continue to circulate in our communities.  For a list of things that will be affected after the public health emergency ends, please see this COVID-19 Public Health Emergency Transition Roadmap.
As we have done throughout the pandemic, Willamette will align its policies with the latest public health guidance.  Below are the changes to Willamette’s policies that will take effect at the end of this spring semester.  

Reporting of Positive Tests

The Oregon Health Authority stopped requiring individuals to report their positive COVID tests earlier this year and, instead continued to rely on hospitalizations and deaths as the primary risk metric. On May 13th, the CDC will officially end its community-level COVID tracking, and will similarly rely primarily on hospitalizations and deaths to inform public health policy. Consistent with this guidance, Willamette will no longer require students, faculty, or staff to report positive cases to the university. We encourage people to stay home if ill, test if symptoms are present, and follow all isolation guidelines.


The statewide indoor mask mandate in Oregon ended on March 12, 2022, and consistent with this guidance, Willamette stopped requiring masks in most campus settings at that time, except for health care settings like Bishop Wellness Center as required by law. The statewide mask mandate for health care settings ended on April 3, 2023, and, therefore, Oregon no longer requires masks in any setting
What our experience with the pandemic has taught us is that masks are an effective way to reduce the transmission of respiratory viruses. We recommend that people wear masks when they are sick, and individuals--particularly those at high risk for severe illness from a respiratory virus exposure–should continue to wear masks wherever they feel comfortable.

Isolation and Food Delivery

Any student testing positive for COVID will be asked to follow all isolation guidance in their place of residence.  Willamette will no longer have dedicated COVID isolation space on campus available to students. Students living on campus can ask friends to help with food delivery from Goudy Commons.


In order to protect themselves and their families and communities, Willamette encourages people to stay up-to-date with vaccinations and boosters. COVID vaccines and boosters are no longer required of Willamette students, faculty, staff, or visitors.  


Over-the-counter at-home COVID tests will no longer be covered by insurance, though diagnostic testing at a doctor’s office may be.  Please check with your insurance carrier for more information.  Bishop Wellness Center will continue to offer diagnostic COVID testing in appointments and will have over-the-counter COVID tests available for a fee without an appointment.

COVID Page/COVID Advisory Team

As we formally end Willamette’s COVID response, we are discontinuing the COVID Advisory Team and the COVID website. Should conditions change in the future, we will reconvene the team as needed.
We understand that for some, this shift is a welcome change while it may cause for apprehension for others. We want to extend our heartfelt thanks for your care and support of our community throughout the pandemic.


COVID Advisory Team