Party to the Polls A celebration of democracy with food, swag, prizes and free party busses to early voting. Party busses will travel to and from the SV atrium to the Executive Office Building in Rockville, an early voting site, approximately 2-3 times per hour. Come party to the polls with us and have your voice be heard this election year!
Date and time: October 29, 12 p.m. - 3 p.m.
Location: Montgomery College Rockville Campus, SV atrium
Is the Political Party Back? Come join Sunil Dasgupta and Andrew Nolan, the UMBC political science and history program directors at the Universities of Shady Grove, for a discussion of why people have strong feelings about political parties and how they have channeled political mobilization.
Date and time: October 25, 11 a.m. - noon
Location: Montgomery College Rockville Campus, SC 152