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Portland East Young Life portlandeast.younglife.org
2025 Summer Camp Fundraisers

Hanging Baskets From Tony’s Garden: Spring is coming (and that means Mother’s Day is too) so people are getting ready to buy their hanging baskets, so why not buy them from YOU and help you earn $ towards summer camp?
  • Sell now-May 1st!
  • It's all online so you can just send out the link below or post it on social media!
  • When people “check-out” online, there is a line to put your name so you get credit!
  • You earn $7 per basket! 
**Note: You sell them through May 1st, people will receive a voucher in the mail the first week on May, then then they can take their voucher to any of the 3 Tony's Garden Center locations between May 1-June 30 to pick out their own basket!
Order Hanging Baskets Here!
Earn $105!! You can sell 7 flats of blueberries for $35 each and you earn $15/flat (or sell a half flat for $20 and you earn $7). Orders due June 30th. Pick-up date is still to be determined but usually on a day the first week in July, from 4-6 pm at David Douglas HS's North Building (1001 SE 135th Ave.) Click on the link below, copy the link and start sending that link out to earn $ towards camp (there is a place for people to enter your name at checkout so you get credit).
Order Blueberries Here!
We will have 2 workdays in May/June. You just have to show up and work 9-1 pm and you can earn $75 for each day! Exact dates TBD.
6728 SE 156th Ave | Portland, OR  97236 | 503 708 8775

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