Just World Awards Winners Announced

ID: A banner with headshots of all 5 people who have inspired the awards with text reading JUST WORLD AWARDS
In case you missed it, the inaugural winners of the Just World Awards were announced during Honors Convocation on Tuesday. These five awards recognize CC alumni, students, staff, faculty, and retirees who are dedicated to actions and principles that create a more just and equitable world.
The Just World Awards are named for five inspiring members of the CC community who exemplify change-making actions, qualities, and characteristics that help build a world with more equitable access to health, safety, education, and opportunity.  The 2023 winners are:
  • Mike Edmonds Igniting Students’ Potential Award – Avivah Polmer ’85
  • Margaret Liu ’77 Health Justice Award – Delaney Kenyon ’23
  • Ken Salazar ’77 Stewardship Award – Abby Maxman ’88
  • Adrienne Lanier Seward Bold and Courageous Actions Award – Chloe Brooks-Kistler ’23
  • Val Veirs Environmental Justice Award – Professor Howard Drossman
The winners joined President Richardson and three of the namesakes for dinner the night before the ceremony.
The inaugural year saw a total of 33 nominations.  Congratulations to everyone who was nominated, and thanks go out to the review team who did an amazing job.
  • Lauren Watel ’07 – Trustee
  • Mark Schlessman ’74 – Alumni Association Council
  • Mary Ann Graffeo – Vice President for Advancement
  • Mario Montaño – Associate Professor of Anthropology, retired
  • Joan Ericson – Professor of Japanese/Humanities Executive Committee
  • Ersaleen Hope – Assistant Vice President/ADEI Leadership Team

Important Dates for Graduating Students

Wed., May 24
Champagne Showers & Senior BBQ
12 p.m.,
Worner Quad and JLK McHugh Commons
Senior Soiree
5 p.m.
at the Fine Arts Center
Senior event with President Song Richardson and First-Year Program Faculty

Thurs., May 25
Cap and Gown Pickup
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
at the CC Bookstore, located in Yalich Student Services Center
Students may make arrangements with the bookstore if the scheduled times do not work for them.

Fri., May 26
Cap and Gown Pickup
9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
at the CC Bookstore, located in Yalich Student Services Center
Students may make arrangements with the bookstore if the scheduled times do not work for them.
Mandatory Commencement Rehearsal
11 a.m.
in Ed Robson Arena
All graduates are required to attend rehearsal to walk in Sunday's ceremony. The lineup for this will be the same at Commencement.
Senior BBQ
12:15 - 1:30 p.m.,
Ed Robson Arena, concourse level
Please join the Annual Giving and Alumni Office for a BBQ lunch to celebrate your accomplishments. (This event is optional and for graduating students only.) 
Grad Images
1 - 4 p.m.,
Ed Robson Arena, Chapman Room
Grad Images will be taking individual/family photos of graduating seniors.
Phi Beta Kappa Induction Ceremony (invitation only)
3 p.m.
in Celeste Theatre Main Space

Commencement tickets will be released for all staff on Mon., May 22. Stay tuned for more information on Monday!

Senior Spotlight

ID: young man of color wearing a dark colored henley shirt, 2 days of facial hair growth and short dark hair, smiling at the camera
In the weeks leading up to Commencement, we are honoring the outstanding achievements of our senior students in Senior Spotlight 2023!
Saigopal Rangaraj

Major/Minor(s): Mathematical Economics (Major) / Political Science and Anthropology (Minors)
Q: Describe how you felt when you arrived at CC as a first-year. How do you feel now that you are near the end of your time here?
A: It is hard to imagine the person I was when I first arrived at CC four years ago. I had never seen snow, let alone snowcapped mountains. This led me to excitedly play with the ice outside Honnen Arena when I first saw it thinking that it was the mystical substance that I had read about. That doe-eyed freshman that entered CC had much to learn! Having now lived through multiple snowstorms, a pandemic, and 26 blocks (plus a year abroad), it is surreal to think how far I have come! I chose a major (if you ask my friends, they will tell you how confused I was), wrote two 'theses' (a tutorial is basically a thesis), and decided on a career (after visiting the career center 30+ times). My time at CC has been a rollercoaster, but with any ride it too must come to an end. I cannot thank the people at this institution enough for the time here. CC is far from perfect, but in spite of its flaws, it helped me become the person I am today - for better or for worse!

Q: What are your plans for the future after graduation?
A: I will be working as a management consultant after graduation.

Ben-Amots Archive established by National Library of Israel

ID: black and white photo of a middle aged white man wearing a white shirt and black vest, looking at the camera ID: books of music on a desk
Ofer Ben-Amots, Colorado College Music Department co-chair and professor of theory and composition, was recently honored by the National Library of Israel with an archive dedicated to his life and works.
The foundation for the Ben-Amots Archive was laid during his most recent trip to Israel in November 2022, when he submitted a few of his newly-published piano scores to the National Library in Jerusalem to be considered for inclusion.
"As humbling as this invitation was, I was especially delighted since I have kept in my possession an enormous amount of materials, collected over more than 40 years," Ben-Amots said.
So far, Ben-Amots has shipped eight 30-pound boxes to the National Library of Israel, with a few more ready for delivery. His work will be among the millions of items in the library, which is dedicated to collecting and preserving the cultural treasures of Israel and the Jewish people.
"While my collection is just a 'drop in the bucket,' it is nonetheless a tremendous recognition and reassurance of my work as a composer," he said.

Did you know…

ID: Infographic - with words outlining the Colket Center for Academic Excellence Quantitative Reasoning Center
The Quantitative Reasoning Center, part of the Colket Center for Academic Excellence, focuses on supporting students in math, economics, and all sciences. The QRC offers drop-in and individual tutoring, dedicated course Learning Assistants, help with data analysis through courses and research, and more!
Students often have a lot of anxiety about high-demand courses. The QRC tutors are trained to be good listeners and to ask direct questions of the students allowing them to explain their thinking. As students start to give more correct answers and improve their work, they start to build confidence.
The tutors at QRC are trying to move away from the idea that students only work with a tutor when they are stuck and struggling. The staff tries to think of it as how a team practices each day with a coach to get better: Students do their academic workout every day, and it’s good to do it as a team. Tutors are like different levels of coaches helping students improve each day.

Ana Ruth Morales-Garcia is First Annual Education Hygiene Specialist Excellence Award Recipient

ID: woman of color with her dark hair pulled back, wearing a heathered gray polo shirt with the CC Environmental Services logo, and name bage, standing in front of a black door, smiling at the camera
UMF|PerfectCLEAN recently announced that Ana Ruth Morales-Garcia, custodian at CC, has earned the company’s first annual Education Hygiene Specialist Excellence Award. Morales-Garcia was nominated by Jay Jeanneret, Director of Environmental Services/Custodial with Sodexo at Colorado College, for her crucial role in providing a safe and hygienic environment for students, teachers, and staff at the school’s Student Health Center.
“Ana Ruth does an outstanding job in a critical and highly visible area, the Student Health Center,” said Jeanneret. “She is a consummate professional who goes above and beyond to provide students with a safe environment through her detailed cleaning and high standards. Staff and faculty who have offices in the building miss her when she is not available, and we have received many praises regarding her work. She is quick to respond whenever a major cleaning issue arises, such as a bodily fluid incident or blood borne incident. Our department is grateful for Ana Ruth’s quality of cleanliness and critical eye, as she can be relied upon and trusted to lock down an area or help bring a struggling area up to standard.”
Congratulations Ana!

May is Mental Health Awareness Month!

Mental Health Awareness Month has been observed in the U.S. since 1949, and every May we have the opportunity to engage in the national movement to raise awareness, as well as fight stigma, provide support, educate ourselves, and advocate for policies that support the millions of people in the U.S. affected by mental illness. The National Alliance of Mental Illness holds different events like community walks and social media campaigns to bring awareness and open discourse around the importance of mental health. CC has its own NAMI group on campus if you’re looking for a way to get involved in our community!

As a reminder, CC offers 24/7 help through our partnership with The Virtual Care Group, available to all students, staff, and faculty.

Please visit our Mental Health Resource page for additional resources.

Photo of the Week

ID: an asian man with short dark hair and round glasses wearing a navy suit coat with navy and orange striped tie, and a white collared shirt standing next to a woman of color with curly dark and grey hair, wearing. yellow blazer, black shirt, and pattern scarf. They are both smiling at the camera.
On May 12, President Richardson met with Former South Korean Prime Minister Nakyon Lee. After their meeting, Prime Minister Lee spoke to CC students about peace on the Korean Peninsula and what steps South Korea and the U.S. can take to achieve denuclearization and lasting peace on the Korean Peninsula.
Photo by Lonnie Timmons III
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