Minnesotans can now weigh in on state flag and seal finalists

By Ryan Faircloth

Good morning. Have you commented yet on the finalists for a new state flag and seal? If not, what are you waiting for? Minnesotans are already leaving thousands of comments as they seek to influence the process before a state commission chooses final designs. My colleague Briana Bierschbach has the story.

Public commenting is now available on the State Emblems Redesign Commission's website. The commission must settle on a final design for both the state flag and seal by Jan. 1 and present them to state lawmakers.

Critiques of the finalists have already flooded social media, with many decrying the lack of Minnesota's state bird — the loon — on any of the final flag designs.

"The loons seem to be a huge outcry in the public," Luis Fitch, chair of the State Emblems Redesign Commission, said at a meeting Tuesday. "The loon is beautiful, I can see why."

LINDELL: MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell has hired a new law firm to defend him and his company in election-related defamation cases, my colleagues Brooks Johnson and Briana write. Lindell and MyPillow are facing three federal defamation lawsuits related to his baseless claims that the 2020 election was stolen.

Lindell's previous attorneys withdrew from the cases this fall, citing millions in unpaid fees.

Lindell told a federal judge Tuesday morning that he expects Virginia-based McSweeney Cynkar & Kachouroff to formally join one of his cases this week. He said in an interview that he's "confident" in the firm's strategy.

"Things are looking very good," Lindell said. "These cases are so frivolous and I look at them like they are a huge, major distraction to try and run me out of money and distract from the real problem, which is securing our elections."

SOS: A report released Tuesday by Minnesota's legislative auditor found that the Secretary of State's Office didn't adequately monitor state and federal grants it disburses to cities and counties, colleague Kelly Smith reports.

The legislative auditor reviewed the Secretary of State Office's operations from 2020-2022 and recommended that it boost oversight by reviewing grant invoices and establishing grant-monitoring policies, among other things.

Auditors said the office passed every other measure they reviewed.

"We're really excited there was just one finding. That's very uncommon to only have one finding," Secretary of State's Office spokeswoman Cassondra Knudson said.

MAYO: The Mayo Clinic announced Tuesday plans for a $5 billion expansion of its Rochester campus that will reshape the city's skyline and bring care to patients.

The clinic plans to erect five buildings over six years, including a nine-story patient care complex.

Gov. Tim Walz said the Mayo Clinic is going "above and beyond" by investing in its birthplace and expanding to improve health care long-term.

"There is no more important place on the planet and no more important work being done for humanity than is being done in this spot in Rochester, Minnesota," Walz said.

SAMUELS: Former Minneapolis City Council member Don Samuels was scrutinized Tuesday for comments he made recently on a local podcast about U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, whom he's challenging in the Democratic primary election for Minnesota's Fifth Congressional District.

Samuels claimed Omar isn't responsive or available to her constituents and then said: "Who do you think you are? And who do you think you're working for? You're not cute enough, you don't dress well enough. Nothing about you is attractive enough to overcome that deficit."

Omar said in a statement that she thinks Samuels' comments about her were "beneath the dignity of any adult."

"It is reminiscent of the worst kinds of lies and misogyny that we are hearing from people like Donald Trump, who think they can say anything about women and get away with it," Omar said.

EVENT WATCH: The Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas is holding a press conference at the State Capitol Wednesday morning with DFL state Sen. Ron Latz to condemn the "anti-Israel Boycott, Divest, Sanctions (BDS) movement," according to a news release. They say their news conference is in response to "anti-Israel activists' planned protests around the State Board of Investments meeting on Wednesday at 10:00 AM."

WHERE'S WALZ: Walz will chair meetings of the Land Exchange Board, the State Board of Investment and the Children's Cabinet on Wednesday. He'll later meet with the Consul General of Canada in Minneapolis and college presidents from the Minnesota Private College Council. He also has calls scheduled with the leaders of Lakeshirts and Nucleus RadioPharma.


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