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Get to know a bit more about Division III academics and meet two more CC Tigers.
Class Year: 2023
Sport: Women’s Cross Country, Track and Field
Major: Political Science
Favorite Class: Balkan Politics
Top CC Academic Moment: Finishing my year-long senior thesis
Special Talents/Skills: I can sing the alphabet backwards
Hobbies: Reading, skiing, and spending time with my cat
Proudest Moment at CC:  When the men’s and women’s cross-country teams won conference in 2021
Community Service Experience: 
Creek cleanup at Monument Creek
Class Year: 2023
Sport: Men’s Basketball
Major: Film and Media Studies
Favorite Class: Acting 2: Acting for the Camera
Special Talents: Actor, model
Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, playing Xbox, reading
Proudest Moment at CC: My senior night game
Community Service Experience: 
Volunteering with elementary school kids creating vision boards for their goals in the future
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