This newsletter contains information about feedback practices, an opportunity to give input on professional development at CC, and an update on compensation.

Feedback Practices 

In April, 493 staff members met with their supervisors for a conversation about their most recent performance and to establish future goals. It comes as no surprise that we are a high performing organization and the average rating received by staff members this cycle was 3.7. Since then, employees have reported a strong understanding of the performance management system at CC and clarity about what the focus of their work will look like over the next few months.  
We wanted to share some of the results with you as we prepare for the next Performance Conversation cycle to open on July 1.
Graph of Performance Cycle
In April, 493 out of the expected 547 staff completed all parts of the process including the self-review, manager review, and performance conversation.

Graph of Division Ratings
Across campus, self-review ratings and manager ratings were closely aligned and within a 3% variance. Individual division results vary and are being provided to division leaders for further review. Note that this graph does not include ratings of 1 or 2 due to the small percentage received campuswide. 

Professional Development

As we enter the tenth year of the Excel at CC program, we are seeking to redefine what professional development should look and feel like at the college. An anonymous needs assessment survey will be open through June 30. The needs assessment is the first step towards identifying the professional development priorities on campus. All staff and faculty are encouraged to complete the survey which covers several topics but should take you less than 15 minutes to complete. Reach out to Sara San Souci with any questions.


As we have discussed in previous updates, we continue to work on the compensation rebanding project to ensure that our roles are paid equitably with roles at similar organizations. We have completed the division-level assessments and will be reviewing for internal equity across divisions as our next step. As a reminder, no one’s pay will be cut in this process.
Final changes will occur as part of our annual compensation increases that take effect in July. Individual letters will be sent to homes with information about your new band as well as compensation increases, so please ensure your address information is up to date.

HR Updates 

Visit the HR Updates page to check out past editions of the People Connections newsletter, along with recent updates from HR.
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