Department of Conservation and Natural Resources official logo. A blue and green keystone graphic with the letters D C N R in white. Separated by a blue, vertical line, there is text that says Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources.

Bureau of Recreation and Conservation

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Recreation for all.

Featured Project: New Booklet Describes Paddling Itineraries on the Susquehanna River

Sick of winter? Thinking ahead to warmer weather?
If so, the Susquehanna Greenway Partnership (SGP) has a new resource to help you plan your next canoe or kayak adventure.
SGP, along with the Susquehanna River Trail Association, recently published a new Middle Susquehanna Paddling Booklet. The booklet features four itineraries for paddling the Susquehanna River between Sunbury and Harrisburg.
“This booklet joins a repertoire of free booklets that SGP has produced for paddlers of the Susquehanna River,” says Alana Jajko, SGP Director of Communications.
The itineraries feature a mix of day trips and overnights using river island campsites.
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources supported creation of the booklet through a Water Trails Partnership Mini-Grant, managed by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council. Funding came from the Environmental Stewardship Fund.
The new paddling booklet and other resources will be available for free at SGP events throughout 2025.

Featured Project: Oil Region Diversity Study Uncovers Lesser-Known Stories in Northwest Pennsylvania

The Oil Region Alliance of Business, Industry and Tourism recently completed a diversity study that has revealed lesser-known stories within the Oil Region National Heritage Area.
The study focused on the oil boom in Pennsylvania from the mid-19th to mid-20th centuries. It delved into the contributions of groups that historically haven’t gotten as much attention for their role in Pennsylvania’s oil history, among them women, African Americans, Asian Americans, Jewish Americans, and transient workers.
The Oil Region Alliance worked with Hilary Jebitsch on the project. Jebitsch, a part-time faculty member at Bucks County Community College, previously compiled a similar study for the Pennsylvania Lumber Heritage Area.
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources supported the study with funding from the Heritage Areas Program. The National Park Service and several local organizations also provided support for the project.

Funding Opportunity: WalkWorks Active Transportation Planning Grants Open

Applications are now being accepted for the Pennsylvania Department of Health’s WalkWorks Active Transportation Planning grants.
Walking, biking, using a wheelchair, and accessing public transit are independent, reliable, and resilient transportation modes that are healthy for our bodies, minds, finances, communities, and the environment.
WalkWorks provides grants to help municipalities develop Active Transportation Plans. The plans help efforts to establish activity-friendly routes that connect people to everyday destinations.
Grant applications are due by 5:00 PM on Friday, March 21.
The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources also supports WalkWorks with funding from the Community Conservation Partnerships Program.

Grant Application Tip

stylized dollar bill symbol
The annual Community Conservation Partnerships Program grant application period is open through 4:00 PM on Wednesday, April 2.
All through the grant round, we’ll include tips in this e-news to help you submit the most competitive application you can.
This issue’s tip: Make sure your project is “ready to go.”
Most projects we fund take several years to complete. That’s why we like projects that can begin work soon after the grant is awarded.
Each grant type has its own ready-to-go checklist. You can find these checklists by visiting the Grant Customer Service Portal. To find them:
  1. Click on “Grant Opportunities.”
  2. Find the project type you plan to apply for and click its “More info” button.
  3. Under “Guidance Documents,” click the “Ready-to-Go Checklist” link to open it.
Ready-to-go status accounts for 15 of an application’s possible 100 points. If your project isn’t ready to go, it’s unlikely to be funded.

Dates to Remember

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