Human Connection | Interfaith Understanding | Collective Transformation
| Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Week |
Despite inclement weather and the postponement or cancellation of part of the events planned for this year's Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Week at GVSU there is still ample opportunity to participate in the remaining programming in person or virtually.
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"Transitions and Remembrance " | Douglas Kindschi
This is a most interesting time of transition. Yesterday, we celebrated Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Also, on that day, the new president was inaugurated. Both events overlap the conclusion of President Biden's term and the 30-day remembrance of former President Jimmy Carter. On the world stage, it is also a very long-awaited transition from the war in the Middle East to a cease-fire and release of hostages and prisoners. In his Insight, Doug looks at prayers that allow us to hold fast to serenity and cling to the moral light.
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| "Interfaith Table Talks Come to GVSU" | Liz English |
Through years of leaning into virtual spaces, first out of necessity then out of convenience and accessibility, one of our spaces stands out as a consistently and intentionally in-person experience: our Interfaith Table Talks. Being physically together in a space requires presence in more ways than one, which is not always easy. It is, also, where we have seen profound relationships form and be sustained. This semester, we're bringing Interfaith Table Talks to campus.
"Change Starts With Us: Becoming Global Citizens" | Krishna Mano |
In October 2023, one of our Interfaith Leadership Scholars had the opportunity to give a TEDx Talk at Saline High School (close to Detroit). Krishna shares his interfaith journey as a student, explaining what drove him to promote intercultural understanding at such a young age, the impacts a lack of dialogue can have on the continued polarization of the United States, and how every single one of us can use our voice to foster a more accepting environment. Listen as Krishna talks about his experience as a Kaufman Scholar, and how the program has empowered him to lead others towards understanding across differences.
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January 30, 2025 - Sacred Site Visit | West Michigan Hindu Temple, 6-7:30pm
February 5, 2025 - Lakers Exclusive Campus Event | Post-Inauguration Reflections: Continuing the Conversation in 2025, 1:30-2:45pm
February 13, 2025 - Writing Religious Wrongs Session I, 12-1:30pm
February 13, 2025 - Writing Religious Wrongs Session II, 7-9pm
February 27, 2025 - The 4th Annual Padnos Public Engagement Lecuture on Jewish Learning, 7pm
March 25, 2025 - Interfaith Leadership Lecture with Syda Segovia Taylor 4-6pm
April 2, 2025 - Talking Together | Michigan Listens, 4:30-7pm
April 10, 2025 - Justice For All: Faith Leaders and the Non-Violent Fight Against Poverty, 6-7:30pm
301 Michigan St. NE
Ste. 174
Grand Rapids, MI 49503
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