Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson Appear on Covers of Apr/May 2019 Magazine
The so-called "rock & roll attitude" too often and too easily turns into cheap posturing and rock-star cliché. Anyone can throw up a middle finger, get tattoos, party hard and trash a hotel room, shout "Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me" at high volume. Not just anyone can live and breathe rock & roll's rebel spirit and do so in their own distinct, individual way. Attitude isn't everything — you know, shit like talent, vision, work ethic and a little bit of luck are also key for any artist — but when it's authentic, it is a powerful thing. And when it's embodied by genuine iconoclasts, it's genuinely inspiring.
Our Apr/May "Attitude" issue hits newsstands on May 14th — but you can grab the Rob Zombie and Marilyn Manson duo cover, the Zombie solo cover, the Manson solo cover, a bundle of all three covers, a limited-edition Rob Zombie silkscreen slipcase and a limited-edition Marilyn Manson silkscreen slipcase now.