Hub Cap: What Happened This Week in Teaching and Learning
We are sending you information and news about all things teaching and learning. These notes will share timely teaching tips, recent pedagogical scholarship, teaching events on and off campus, and Hub blog posts. Use this form to unsubscribe.
Teaching Tips: Improving Group Work
Having your students doing work in groups is beneficial for many reasons. However, there can be many situations that can make the experience messy and less positive that you want it to be. If you are wondering if it is even possible to make group work more efficient, there are strategies that help (starting with careful design of the project).
Making teamwork work: Explains the importance of giving students time to get to know each other and build relationships as the first activity for group work. Icebreakers and team building. Focusing on the process and giving students feedback are important too.
Teamwork and collaboration: Explains how to design group projects, different types of group work and strategies for group work and collaboration.
We are happy to meet with you for any teaching needs and depending on what you want to do in your class, you can book this semester several meetings with the instructional designers. For example if you are designing a new class, book at least 3-4 meetings.
The Hub is not limited to talk about: Online courses, new courses, PBL, or GenAI.
Questions or comments? Belen Garcia,
While the HubCap is designed with our faculty as the primary audience, others (campus leaders, directors, student services staff) may also find valuable insights within.Feel free to forward this newsletter on if you know someone who could benefit from this information.