Jodi Robson
Jodi Robson launched the Truth and Reconciliation Workshops in A!TLC on February 27, 2024. Jodi combined storytelling with painting a classic spring Saskatchewan setting. She led the Student Researchers in experiencing a crocus coming through the snow, awaiting the spring weather, with cotton candy Saskatchewan skies. Jodi shared that on her Rez (Okanese First Nation) the crocuses are the first flowers of the spring. Jodi shared that when she would get bored on the Rez (there were only three channels on the tv) she would wander and paint the flowers. She would also find things while she was wandering and bring it back to the house and bake - this is how Jodi got into baking!
Jodi told the Student Researchers about her experience on the Great Canadian Baking show (Season three on CBC GEM). In the beginning she had a challenging time on the show because everything is by recipes, and she goes by feel/taste. The Great Canadian Baking show wanted Jodi's Bannock recipe, but it is a family recipe so of course she was not willing to give up the rights to this awesome recipe.
Jodi made her delicious raspberry cream puffs, a favourite among everyone. Thank you Jodi.
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Thank You CIF
Astonished! received funding from the Community Initiatives Fund (CIF) for a 12 part series that builds on the success of a previously delivered 6-part series on truth and reconciliation. The series looks to continue to explore the shared history of Indigenous peoples and settlers while building a deeper understanding of our individual and collective roles in finding ways forward. The project will include 12 monthly sessions, land-based learning activities as well as participation in community events and activities related to truth and reconciliation. Participants will continue to move to a fuller understanding of what reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous people means, and to a deeper commitment to that reconciliation.
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University of Regina Placement Students
Each semester we have University of Regina students join our team. It is a mutually beneficial opportunity to learn together. We are happy to introduce you to Aamad Abu Huraira, Bolanle Stephen, Mishwa Patel, Sohui Lee, and Wade Fullerton.
Thank you Aamad, Bolanle, Mishwa, Sohui, and Wade for your work with Astonished! We wish you well in your future endeavours.
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Aamad Abu Huraira
My name is Aamad Abu Huraira but everyone at Astonished! lovingly calls me President as that is my position within the Kinesiology and Health Studies Student Society. Having held multiple charity events to raise money for this non-profit organization, it was through the KIN Society that I first learned about Astonished! With more exposure to the work that Bonnie and Melissa do came great admiration and a desire to join the team, thus, my reason for choosing Astonished! as my fieldwork agency.
So far, my time with Astonished! has been educational and rewarding. From anime-talks with Paige to getting roasted by Cassandra, it feels like having found a community of friends! Majoring in Human Kinetics, I wish to use this opportunity to gain skills that can one day guide me in not only pursuing a career in medicine but also help me be a better person.
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Bolanle Stephen
I am in my final year of a Bachelor of Social Work at the University of Regina. I lived in Regina for 6.5 years before relocating to Caledonia, Ontario in 2022. Hence my social work program is fully online, including my major practicum with Astonished. I am glad distance was not a barrier to getting a placement at Astonished. It has been a wonderful experience teaming up with other placement students and A! Student Researchers.
Currently Aamad and I are working together to partner with A! Student Researcher Cassandra Isaac as she works toward achieving her individual goals. As an aspiring social worker practitioner, the strength-based perspective adopted in Astonished! has further enhanced my understanding that the strengths an individual possesses significantly contribute to the success of actualizing their dreams and goals.
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Mishwa Patel
Hello! I'm Mishwa Patel, an international student from India. Currently, I'm in my last semester at the University of Regina, pursuing a Bachelor of Kinesiology with a major in Human Kinetics. Outside of academics, I enjoy watching series, listening to music, and spending time with friends and family.
My passion for helping others led me to Astonished!, where I have had an amazing experience. I have met many kind and unique individuals and learned more than I expected. This opportunity has strengthened my desire to pursue a career in physiotherapy. I have gained a deeper understanding of strengths, person-centred approaches and the barriers faced by Core Members when accessing resources to meet their needs. Social Club events allow me to spend more time with the Core Members and staff and learn more from them.
I'm excited to continue learning and growing at Astonished! throughout this semester.
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Sohui Lee
Hello! My name is Sohui and I'm currently in my final semester at the University of Regina, studying social work. This semester, I've been fortunate to undertake my fieldwork placement with Astonished! I'm excited to broaden my perspective on inclusivity and community engagement. I always try my best to positively impact whatever society and community I belong to and reside in.
When I'm not buried in textbooks, I enjoy going outside, often spending my weekends hiking or camping. As the sky in Saskatchewan is stunning, I love looking at the sunset.
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Wade Fullerton
Hello! My name is Wade Fullerton and I am in my second last semester at the University of Regina. I am majoring in Social Work and am very excited to be doing my practicum with Astonished! I am really enjoying my experience working with Astonished! and have had the opportunity to learn many new skills. I have learned a significant amount about event planning and teamwork. I am very grateful for the people I have met through this work and I have learned so much from them in the limited time that I have been in my practicum.
I am looking forward to the variety of A! Social Club activities to further my skills and assist me in my future work as a Social Worker. Astonished! has been an incredible experience and the people involved have made this practicum something that I look forward to everyday.
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A! Spring Gala
If you are in Regina on Saturday March 16, 2024 we would love to see you at our A! Spring Gala. Tickets are available until noon, Tuesday, March 12, 2024. Click here for details….
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Sohui, Wade, Paige, Brendan
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What's Your Style Dance
We had a fabulous time at What's Your Style?! Dance Night. Student Researcher, Cassandra Isaac lead us in a great evening of freestyle, solo performances, freeze dance, and lots of grooving! Cassandra is perfecting her choreography skills.
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Astonished! Social Club
Frost 2024, Regina's Winter Festival, was a hit for the February Social Club Event! You can see that the dogs loved our company. We could've been there all day, we enjoyed the dogs, Glow, performances, mini donuts, and much more at the REAL Hub.
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Thank You
We are thankful for our collaboration with the City of Regina. Astonished! receives funding from the City of Regina Social Development Grant - to partially fund the Social Club.
In the letter accompanying the grant, the city wrote “Your program provides supportive, meaningful, and accessible social, recreational, and cultural activities to young adults with complex physical disabilities. The committee acknowledged that your program responds to a great need in community and aligns strongly to the City’s social development priorities.”
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Thank You
Thank you to our volunteers. You are helping to make this semester fly. Amanda Larose, Sarah McCracken, Priya Verma, Arsheyan Syed, Esme Corkish. .
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Doug Mader
Doug Mader, along with his wife Barbara, have been generous and creative in their support of Astonished! It is with sadness we tell you that Doug died on January 30, 2023. Doug died of complications after a fall while playing pickleball a year before. Doug loved to build, and he built a beautiful relationship with Astonished! He offered his carpentry skills, his laughter, and with Barbara, launched the Astonished! Endowment Fund in 2017. For their vision and commitment, they were named Astonished! Future Makers. We offer our deep condolences to Barbara, and our gratitude for the place Doug and Barbara held and hold in Astonished! To read more about Doug’s life….
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Music With Emma
Each semester the A! Student Researchers work on something that is of interest to them. We call this process PATH. As part of Rebekah Lindenbach’s PATH this semester she is hosting a once-a-month event called Music with Emma. A! Core Members will do things like listening to music, singing, playing instruments, song writing, improvisation, and more with Emma Cameron. Emma is completing her degree in Music Therapy. Rebekah is hosting these monthly music sessions as a pilot project. If there is enough interest Astonished! will look at incorporating music into our core options. The first event was on February 11, 2024. Unfortunately Emma was sick on that day, but fortunately Rebekah was able to recruit Ruth Blaser, Avery Ottenbreit, Carley King, and Sarah McCracken to help with leadership. Melisssa Turbuck, Bonnie Cummings-Vickaryous, and Lauren Vickaryous provided the treats. Everyone had a blast.
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Thank you to Dylan Earis for the great article about Astonished! Executive Director, Bonnie Cummings-Vickaryous, in the January 15, 2024, issue of The Regina Leader Post, QC. Astonished! is in its 11th year as a staff and volunteer organization and Bonnie has been, and continues to be, a guiding light. This article gives you some insights into the complexity of Bonnie’s world and her commitment to the flourishing of Astonished! To read more……….
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University of Regina
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, SK | S4S 0A2 CA |