| The monthly "St. Luke's Celebrates" newsletter helps St. Lukers connect to one another as we navigate life together.
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We wish a very Happy Birthday to all our St. Lukers! Click the button below to help us celebrate the next few months of birthdays.
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Congratulations to Katy and Jeff Slack as they celebrate their newest arrival - daughter Hope Elizabeth. Older brother Stanley is happy to have a little sister to love and care for. We can't wait to see Hope at future St. Luke's events.
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St. Lukers Chris and Lyn Kauffman are over the moon excited with their newest bundle of joy. Vaughn D. Kauffman was born at 1:44 p.m. on March 30. He weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce, and was 21 inches long. Congratulations to the family!
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On April 17, 2021, Sofia Leigh Cardenas was baptized in the sanctuary. Sofia was born on September 3, 2020. Pictured above is Sofia and her proud parents Katie and JC along with family members. Katie grew up attending St. Luke’s and was married by Pastor Bill so it was a very special day for the family to have their daughter baptized here at the church.
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On April 18, 2021, Valentina Posada was baptized in the sanctuary. Valentina was born on September 14, 2020. Joining in this baptism was family including her mother Jennifer and father Jose. Welcome to our St. Luke’s family, Valentina!
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On April 18, 2021, Vivien Marchante was baptized in Founder's Hall. Vivien was born on April 21, 2020. Joining in this baptism was family including her parents Jasmine and Nestor. Welcome to our St. Luke’s family, Vivien!
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The following people were Baptized on Saturday, April 3 during Holy Week
Jose Alvarado
Emily Hudson
Farelisse Lassor
Xadric Lassor
Welcome to our St. Luke's family!
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We appreciate the faithful commitment St. Lukers make to St. Luke's ministries. Click the button below to help us celebrate the next few months of church partnership anniversaries.
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The following people took their
Partnership Vows
on Saturday, April 3 during Holy Week
Jose Alvarado
Ricardo Burney
Cheryl Boyd
Monique Brown
Barbara Burgis
D'Ann Burrow
Edward Conger
Susan Conger
Anne DeBoer
Derek DeBoer
Jim Doyle
Nicole Siscaretti Doyle
Mary Beth Guernier
Emily Hudson
Jessica Kendall
Sandy Kupetz
Andi Lassor
Farelisse Lassor
Jeremy Lassor
Xadric Lassor
Greg Moore
Samantha Morales
Chris Onopa
Lisa Onopa
Natalie Padavano
Vickie Padavano
Katie Sparrow
Steven Sparrow
David Theophilus
Sara Ann Theophilus
Matt Williams
Natalie Williams
Please join us in welcoming these
St. Lukers to the family!
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Former St. Luker Kendal Jolly passed away unexpectedly on March 18. Kendal and his Husband, Tom, were instrumental in the development of St. Luke's Music Ministries. Kendal was a former cast member with Walt Disney World in various roles including the Voices of Liberty and as a Disney Ambassador. Please Keep Tom and their family in your prayers.
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Gerald Duke passed away on April 4 surrounded by family. Gerald is the father of St. Luker Jennifer Brassard, father-in-law to Kevin, and grandfather to Casey, Lillie, and Ella. He and his late wife moved to Florida 20 plus years ago to be near family and regularly attended St. Luke's. Prayers for the family are appreciated.
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St. Luker Gary Goetsch passed away on April 4 with his family by his side. Gary and his wife, Liberty have been partners with St. Luke's since 2007 and have served in many areas including our Theater Ministry, Finance, and Church Council just to name a few. Gary was a faithful servant who walked what he talked. Please keep Liberty and the rest of his family in your prayers.
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Brad Brewer passed away after a long battle with cancer on April 14. Brad was a regular attendee of Contemporary Worship leading back to our days in the gym. Brad was a golf pro and mentor to many around Central Florida and the globe. He led golf clinics around Central Florida including St. Luke's with the hope to expose everyone to golf. Join us in praying for Brad's family during this time.
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Longtime St. Luker Dave Risher passed peacefully on April 22, just days after celebrating his 100th birthday. From the beginning of his time here at St. Luke's over 30 years ago, Dave (affectionately known to many as "Mr. Dave") was a dedicated volunteer in many ministries with most recently being a weekly volunteer in our office as well as Wednesday night dinners. His daughter Cindy and son-in-law Frank made sure that Mr. Dave could always get to church and serve whenever he wanted. As his son-in-law Frank said "Whether it was the PTA president in Wayne, Michigan, the Orange County Volunteer of the Year at Dr. Phillips Elementary, or the many ministries he participated in at St. Luke's; Dave was all in. He did not believe that the Church was a social club that you participated in once a week. He was a true hero." Please keep Frank, his grandchildren Alex and Matthew, and all who knew Dave in your prayers.
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Click the button below to view photos and read what’s new at St. Luke’s Child Development Center (CDC). St. Luke’s CDC is enrolling for the 2021-2022 school year.
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Click the button below to view photos and read what’s new at St. Luke's Children's Ministry. The Children's Ministry as opportunities for children birth - grade 5.
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St. Luke’s was honored to be placed on the Virtual Wall of Distinction for Orange County Public School Community Outreach programs during the Crystal Awards!
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St. Luke's Praise Team and Theater members work to make the Central Florida arts community a place for all. St. Lukers Laurel Hatfield, Faith Boles, and Brandon Miller are the newest board members of the Orlando Artist Guild. Each one of them brings their distinctive musical style and witness to Sunday worship and theater shows while also working to make Central Florida a place for all artists. Congratulations, Laurel, Faith, and Brandon.
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Hearts to Hands Celebrates Meeting Again!
Hearts to Hands Ministry is super excited to be able to meet safely indoors in the Attic of Building C (Room C201). Members celebrated on March 31 welcoming back many who they had not seen since prior to the pandemic. Displayed on the table are their March contributions of handmade baby hats, baby blankets, baby toys, and other items which will be shared with Winnie Palmer Hospital. They also had some blankets for chemo patients to donate. Want to learn to knit or crochet in 2021? Already know how to knit or crochet? Attend weekly meetings to share patterns, tips, and fellowship on Wednesdays from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Attic of Building C. Face masks and social distancing required. Contact the Care office for more information.
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Congratulations Circles Winter Garden Cohort 8 Graduates!
During the COVID-19 pandemic season, Circles Winter Garden started a new cohort with amazing, enthusiastic, and dedicated individuals. They not only showed up virtually for 12 weeks for themselves but also created a pathway of accountability to show up for each other. Cohort 8 was able to celebrate their completion of training to become official Circles Leaders in March. Their friends and family along with current Circle Leaders and Allies, all safely social distanced in person or on Zoom and joined them for this amazing accomplishment. Congratulations Cohort 8 Graduates on moving forward!
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This month's featured Staff Shout Out goes to St. Luke's Technical Director, Steven Leonard!
Steven confidently led many technical teams over the course of Holy Week. Congratulations Steven!
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This month's featured Volunteer Shout Out goes to St. Luker Cindy Patz!
Cindy volunteers for the Worship Ministries working with John Mason and Amy Martin Cole. John says "Cindy is a master of scanning music, organizing, thinking ahead AND conversationalist on the topic of cooking. She keeps things going in the best ways." Amy says all that plus "She keeps us sane when the world is spinning just a bit too fast. Which is pretty much every week."
Cindy helped St. Luker Al Aki to understand the choir recordings so he can get back into the choir. Congratulations on this recognition and thank you for all you do to awaken disciples and reveal the Kingdom. It’s not St. Luke’s without U!
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St. Luke's Shout Outs!
Share notes of affirmation for St. Luke's volunteers and/or staff members who are going above and beyond. These "St. Luke's Shout Outs" will be used to select a featured volunteer or staff member who will be highlighted in an upcoming issue of the St. Luke's Celebrates newsletter!
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Share Your News!
Send in your milestones and photos and you may be featured in an upcoming issue of St. Luke's Celebrates!
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