| Week of March 3-7
Volume 12, Issue 5
“Whenever women gather together, failure is impossible.”
—Susan B. Anthony, American social reformer and women’s rights activist (Learn more)
WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH: March 1–31 (Learn more)
Saturday, March 8, is International Women’s Day. (Learn more)
Noteworthy Programming—Please Share and Attend: Join presenters Melanie Duncan, Aleea Perry, and Gwen Torges for a discussion, “The Constitution, Executive Orders, and Separation of Powers,” Monday, March 17, at 3:30 p.m. in the Stouffer Hall auditorium. Attendance vouchers will be provided. Sponsored by the Department of History, Philosophy, Political Science, and Religious Studies, the Free Speech Project, and the Office of Social Equity and Title IX. Further information: mduncan@iup.edu
Student Spotlight: Alexis Jardine
Alexis is a graduate student in the Student Affairs in Higher Education (SAHE) program and the Academic Advising certificate program and will graduate this May. She completed her undergraduate degree at IUP in general studies, with a focus on disability services. Alexis is a graduate assistant in the Office of International Education and helped coordinate International Unity Day. She is a graduate practicum student in the Office of Multicultural Student Support and the Career and Professional Development Center. As part of her practicum at the Multicultural Center, she helped organize Crimson Blast and the Mid-Autumn Festival. Alexis is very involved in the Association of Korean-Cultural Interests (AKI) and the Japanese Student Association (JAPASO) and served as president and vice president, respectively, as an undergraduate. She is currently the graduate advisor for both groups. Through these roles, she coordinated the Asian Music Festival and East Asia Night for five years. She founded and is the graduate advisor to MULTI, the only K-pop cover dance team at IUP, providing an opportunity for students interested in Korean pop culture and dance. Alexis is passionate about disability advocacy, multicultural engagement, career development, and international education, and her goal is to work in higher education in one of those fields upon graduation. She shared that, as a student with a disability, she prides herself on advocating for all students so that everyone can experience all that college life has to offer. We thank you, Alexis!
Staff Spotlight: Kristine Rowley
Kristy is the office manager in the Counseling Center, supporting the work of the faculty and staff and always providing a warm and welcoming presence for students. She loves connecting with visitors to the center and believes it takes courage for them to walk through the door. Therefore, she feels her role is essential to making students feel safe and supported and to assisting them in accessing the services they need. She shared her belief that kindness is important because you never know what people carry inside them each day. Kristy is an entrepreneur, and through her business, Stitched on Sixth, she showcases her artistic skills. She is a member of the President’s Commission on the Status of Women at IUP (Women’s Commission) and is a Green Dot instructor. She has served as the IUP AFSCME secretary since 2020. We thank you, Kristy!
Please PARTICIPATE or SHARE as appropriate or INCLUDE in your classes. |
Monday, March 10, to Friday, March 14: SPRING BREAK! (No Digest)
- Monday, March 17: The Constitution, Executive Orders, and Separation of Powers
- Monday, March 17: Six O’Clock Series: You Have the Space to Heal
- Tuesday, March 18: Haven Clothesline Project: T-shirt-Making Workshop for Survivors and for display at Take Back the Night 2025
- Wednesday, March 19: Lunch and Learn: Diversity Peer Educators Honor Women’s History Month
- Wednesday, March 19: Empowering Women Series Workshop: “Reclaiming Strength, Empowerment, Recovery, and Redefining Body Image”
- Wednesday, March 19, and Thursday, March 20: Basket Raffle, sponsored by Her Campus IUP
- Friday, March 21: American Red Cross Blood Drive
Hosting an event you’d like us to mention in an upcoming issue? |
Digest issues are emailed every Monday morning. Send all information concerning your event to social-equity@iup.edu, and we will include it in the appropriate weekly issue. Please be sure to enter your event in the online DIVERSITY, STUDENT, and CENTRAL CALENDARS so that it will receive wider marketing and achieve greater attendance.
Social Equity and Title IX Office |
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