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Tuesday, March 18, 2025 - Day 32
Archive of past GAE Legislative Alerts this year
Tomorrow is designated as a committee work day. The General Assembly re-convenes for Thursday and Friday to complete the 34th day of the 40-day session.
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No education bills on floor of either chamber today
There were no education-related bills on the floor of either the state Senate or House today. However, several bills were heard in committees.
The Senate Children and Families Committee heard HB 340, a bill to ban students' use of cell phones during the school day in grades k-8, with exceptions for students with an IEP or 504 plan or a "medical plan explicitly mandates the use of a personal electronic device for medical purposes." The bill passed 4-1.
The House Education Committee took up three bills this afternoon:
SB 17 would require the establishment of a mobile panic alert system for public and private schools in the event of an emergency. It passed the committee and could be brought to the House floor soon. Rep. Matt Dubnik, R-Gainesville, offered an amendment to exclude private schools from the bill, which was adopted.
SB 44 proposes to revise the definition of the term "qualified local school system" by reducing the minimum required millage rate from 14 mills to 10 mills to qualify for state equalization grant awards to school systems. The bill was approved by the committee.
SB 154 would insert the words "or its successor" after "United States Department of Education" wherever it appears in Georgia law, apparently anticipating the abolishment of the federal department.
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House Education subcommittees meet tomorrow
The House Education Curriculum Subcommittee and the House Education Policy Subcommittees meet tomorrow.
The Curriculum Subcommittee is scheduled to take up the following:
SB 63 would require each local school system that offers the PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, PreACT, or ACT or an advanced placement exam to make such tests available to home-schooled students living in the district.
SB 93 proposes to limit the use of "three cueing" in teaching reading, stating that it could not be the "primary" method utilized. Three-cueing, or MSV, teaches reading by meaning drawn from context or pictures, syntax, and visual information, meaning letters or parts of words.
House Education Policy Subcommittee will hear:
SB 236 to allow students whose parents or guardians are on active military duty to enroll in the school in which district they intend to reside upon presentation of a copy of the official military orders to transfer.
HB 505 to provide for the development of "career development plans" for all secondary students.
HB 333, by former public school educator Rep. Tangie Herring, D-Macon, would tie the state teachers salary schedule to inflation so that salaries would increase as inflation rates increase.
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Senate Education Committee meets twice Thursday
As the session enters its final days, the Senate Education and Youth Committee has scheduled two meetings on Thursday, at 8 a.m. and at 1 p.m.
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Educators Walk-In Tomorrow;
On Wednesday, March 19, GAE members and the National Education Association (NEA) and tens of thousands of educators, students, parents, and community allies are mobilizing across the country to stop federal cuts to programs that every student depends on.
We're calling for a walk-in, where we gather in front of our schools 30-45 minutes before the school day begins. We discuss what we want for our schools, and then we all walk into the school together.
Walk-ins are positive actions that show lawmakers we will protect our schools and our communities. Please take pictures and post to social media #ProtectStudents, #RedforEd, and #ILovePublicSchools.
For more information, please visit:
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Bill would penalize Gwinnett BOE for terminating superintendent
HB 767 has been filed by members of the Gwinnett County legislative delegation to reduce the salaries of members of the Gwinnett County Board of Education from $24,000 to $50 if they fire a superintendent before the employment contract expires, even if for cause. President of the Gwinnett County Association of Educators (GCAE) Alison Cundiff recently spoke to the full delegation in opposition to the local bill.
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The NEA Legislative Committee is hosting a listening session on Monday, March 24 beginning at 8 p.m. to discuss pending federal proposals and legislation. Want to know the latest about what is going on in Washington, D.C. and what you can do about it? Register for the event here.
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Next Legislative Update: Thursday, March 20
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