Hi Neighbor,
The McGillivray Boulevard Safety and Mobility Project is ending Phase 2: Develop Options and soon entering Phase 3: Design Improvements. The Project Team is presenting a proposed design to the Transportation and Mobility Commission (TMC) for a public hearing and recommendation on February 6, 2024.
The meeting will be held in person at City Hall in the Aspen Room and also available online.
Join in person at:
Vancouver City Hall
415 W 6th St
February 6, 2024.
Meeting begins at 4:30 p.m.
The agenda and meeting materials for the February Transportation and Mobility Commission meeting are posted online. The Community Forum begins at 6:30pm, immediately followed by the Public Hearing for the McGillivray Boulevard Project.
Meeting access information and instructions for providing public comment are available at the link below. Public comments and registration must be submitted before 12 pm on the day of the Transportation and Mobility Commission meeting.