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GAE Legislative Update - Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - Day 16
House Ed subcommittee and Senate Ed meet tomorrow

The House Education Committee's Subcommittee on Education Policy plans to meet tomorrow at 1 p.m. to consider HB 268, which would provide for reimbursement grants to local school systems that hire qualified mental health coordinators and to provide for suicide awareness and prevention programs.

The Senate Education and Youth Committee will hear SB 63 tomorrow, a bill that requires local school districts to make ACT, SAT tests, and others, available to home-schooled students.  The committee is also scheduled to hear SB 17 to require school mobile panic alert systems for use in a moment of school safety compromise.

Following introduction of Senate bill,
House bill would bring back "back to school" sales tax holiday

HB 386 would institute a "sales tax holiday" on back-to-school supplies and clothing.

Lt. Gov. supports expanded voucher law
... even before law takes effect!

Lt. Gov. Burt Jones said today he will push to expand the private school voucher law, which passed by one vote last year, to include include foster care children ... months before the law is in effect.  The new law gives eligible families $6,500 in taxpayer-paid tuition to send their children to private schools.

Next Legislation Contact Team (LCT) meeting is Feb. 13

GAE members: Join us Thursday, February 13, at 6:30 p.m. for a discussion on the the current legislative session.

Next Legislative Update: Thursday, February 13

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