Upcoming Events, Workshops, and Opportunities

We Don't Have a River

A Panel Discussion About Monument Creek

Hosted by C&I Innovator in Residence, Erin Elder

Thursday, November 8, at Taste in the FAC
5:30 – 7 p.m.
RSVP requested

Thinking About Half-Block?

Take a look below...

Looking for a Creative Escape? 

Creative Mondays 

Mondays, 3 - 4:30 pm
C&I Building
232 E. Cache La Poudre

Creative Mondays are a weekly gathering where students, staff, and faculty can drop by and be creative. We provide abundant supplies for card-making, collage, painting, holiday gifts, etc.  Stop in and stay as long as you like. 

Looking Ahead to 2024...

Information about these Innovators in Residence and the classes, workshops, performances, and lectures they offer is coming soon. 

Myra Jackson
Innovator in Residence 

Block 4, 2023 
Half-Block & Block 5, 2024


Shodekeh Talifero

Innovator in Residence

Blocks 5 – 7, 2024

Alash Ensemble

Tuvan Throat Singers

Performance: January 30, 2024

Workshop: January 31, 2024

Barbara Bash

Innovator in Residence

Block 8, 2024

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