Dear Friends,

As we reflect on 2023 at Colorado College, we would like to share a few words of gratitude for our wonderful community. 
We are grateful to Colorado College students, for your love of learning, curiosity, passion, and commitment to a more just world.
We are grateful to our faculty and staff, for the many ways you educate, mentor, and support our students each day.
We are grateful to CC parents and families, for the deep care and concern you demonstrate for students.
We are grateful to our remarkable alumni, for the impact you are making on the world, and all the ways you engage with CC.
We are grateful to our community partners and donors, for your collaboration and generosity toward this remarkable place.
And, finally, we are grateful to our own families, friends, and colleagues. Thank you for your support and friendship, all year long.
We’re wishing you a happy holiday season and a wonderful new year. May you spend time with loved ones, be in community, rest and rejuvenate, and care for yourselves and each other.  

L. Song Richardson and Kurt Kieffer

Colorado College
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