Sponsored Projects - Funding Forecast
A periodic newsletter for Bucknell faculty researchers, scholars and grantseekers with information on external funding opportunities, recent grant successes, upcoming deadlines, and updates and resources from the Office of Sponsored Projects (OSP).
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News and Updates
Update on the Federal Grants Landscape
OSP continues to monitor updates regarding federal grant funding, including agency updates, U.S. Office of Management and Budget memos, executive orders from the new presidential administration, and temporary restraining orders (TROs) from federal courts.
While there are still uncertainties in how these orders may impact federal grants at Bucknell and future proposals, OSP would like to provide assurance to the grantseeking community that we are closely reviewing all communications and with input from Bucknell's General Counsel. We continue to submit proposals to federal agencies as submission portals are operational, posted program solicitations and deadlines are still being honored and review panels continue to meet, albeit with some delays and rescheduling, within certain agencies. If you have any questions or concerns about a planned proposal or active grant, please don't hesitate to contact OSP staff.
As a reminder, Bucknell has also created a Response Information page in myBucknell regarding recent federal actions (login required).
Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program for 2026-2027 Now Open!
The Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program offers more than 400 grant awards in more than 135 countries supporting research projects, teaching opportunities or combined research/teaching proposals. The catalog of awards for 2026-2027 is now open, with applications due on September 15th, 2025. The program provides many resources on its website, including webinars exploring opportunities in different regions and countries, as well as an archive of past webinars. Bucknell faculty who are interested in applying are encouraged to reach out to Robert Gutierrez, Bucknell's Fulbright Scholar liaison. Keep an eye out for a Fulbright Scholars workshop for Bucknell faculty and staff in May!
Save the Date - Upcoming Workshops and Open House
Untentured Faculty Leave Workshop - April 4th at 3pm in Academic West 213
Grant Financial Management Open House - April 9th, 8:30am to 11:30am,
Hildreth-Mirza 115
Finding Funding for Leaves - April 17th at 12 noon via Zoom
Watch our newsletter and the Message Center for more information and registration links.
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Recent External Funding Awards
(January - February 2025*)
College of Arts & Sciences
Abe Feuerstein (Education). Cooperating Teacher Stipends Program. Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency.
Tim Strein (Chemistry) and Elizabeth Richer (University Advancement). High Performance Liquid Chromatography Instrument Acquisition. George I. Alden Trust.
College of Engineering
Jude Okolie (Chemical Engineering). "Technology Evaluation for Waste/Biomass Gasification to Sustainable Aviation Fuel." The Catalyst Group Resources.
Freeman College of Management
Robyn Eversole (Management and Operations). "Women's Entrepreneurship and Rural Regional Revitalisation - Comparative Study." Regional Studies Association.
*Grant and contract awards being administered at the university, or that have been communicated to OSP and via the Sponsored Projects Approval (SPA) form.
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External Funding Opportunities and Upcoming Deadlines
Are you interested in applying for external funding to support your research, project or program at Bucknell? Here are just a few examples of opportunities, from federal, state, private and foundation sources. (For a more customized list based on your project needs, timeline and scholarship/research focus, contact OSP for a consultation or InfoGlobal SPIN database search.)
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Social Sciences
3/11/25. (LOI). Russell Sage Foundation: Research Grants. The Foundation will accept letters of inquiry (LOIs) under the core programs for Behavioral Science and Decision Making in Context and Race, Ethnicity, and Immigration. The foundation will also accept LOIs for the special initiatives Immigration and Immigrant Integration and Promoting Educational Attainment and Economic Mobility among Racially, Ethnically, and Economically Diverse Groups after the 2023 Supreme Court Decision to Ban Race-Conscious Admissions at Colleges and Universities. LOIs must include specific information about the proposed data and research design. After peer review, about 15 percent of those who submit an LOI will receive an invitation to submit a full proposal. The deadline is 2pm ET, March 11, 2025. Successful proposals from this round can have a start date on or after January 1, 2026.
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Natural Sciences and Mathematics
3/7/25. American Chemical Society Petroleum Research Fund: Research Grants. ACS PRF has two grants categories for non-doctoral departments: Undergraduate New Investigator for faculty within their first 5 years of their first academic appointment and Undergraduate Research. Research areas include chemistry, the earth sciences, chemical and petroleum engineering, and related fields such as polymers and materials science.
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5/6/25. NEH: Humanities Initiatives at Colleges and Universities. These grants are intended to help strengthen the teaching and study of the humanities at colleges and universities by supporting the development of new or improvement of existing humanities programs, educational resources, or coursework. Projects must be organized around a core topic or set of themes.
8/6/25. NEH: Public Scholars. This program supports the creation of well-researched nonfiction books in the humanities written for the broad public. Note the updated deadline!
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Creative and Performing Arts
4/3/25. Creative Capital: Creative Capital Award. This program supports innovative, groundbreaking projects. It also supports multidisciplinary projects as well as projects that push boundaries within a single genre. The call for this deadline is for new artistic works in the Visual Arts, Performing Arts, Film, and Literature. Direct project funding is in varying amounts up to $50,000, with 50 awards anticipated. All applicants to the Creative Capital Award will automatically be considered for the State of the Art Prize which aims to recognize one artist in each U.S. state and its territories with an unrestricted grant of $10,000 per artist.
11/1/25. The George A. and Eliza Gardner Howard Foundation: Fiction and Poetry (creative) and Literary Studies (scholarly). The Foundation will consider proposals from authors and scholars working in any genre, style, and media that can be classified as Fiction or Poetry. The Foundation will be adding more information about Literary Studies. Successful applicants are early mid-career who have completed at least one major project, and have up to 4 years to use the award, as the Foundation recognizes that its cycle of focus areas may not align with individuals’ career plans.
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NSF Funding Opportunities by Division/Office in the Directorate for Engineering:
7/23/25. NSF: CAREER. This program funds five-year awards for early-career faculty. Proposals must integrate research and education. A PI may participate in no more than three CAREER competitions and must be untenured at time of application. Budgets must total a minimum of $400,000 for the five-year period, except proposals to the Directorate of Biological Sciences, the Directorate of Engineering, or the Office of Polar Projects which must have a minimum $500,000 budget.
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Management, Business and Commerce
8/15/25 (LOI). Templeton Foundation. The Templeton Foundation is currently focusing much of its funding on strategic priorities within its Science & the Big Questions funding area, which fall into four areas: human sciences, natural sciences, philosophy & theology, and public engagement. The foundation is still accepting inquiries in its other areas: individual freedom & markets, exceptional cognitive talent & genius, genetics, and voluntary family planning.
8/15/25 (target date). NSF: Accountable Institutions and Behavior. This program supports basic scientific research related to attitudes, behavior, and institutions connected to public policy and the provision of public services. Areas include, but are not limited to, the study of individual and group decision-making, political institutions, attitude and preference formation and expression, electoral processes and voting, public administration, and public policy. This work can focus on a single case or can be done in a comparative context, either over time or cross-sectionally.
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