Church campus closed today due to weather.
Church campus closed today due to weather.
Sunday info

The church campus is closed today due to weather.

Please stay tuned for future announcements about Sunday. For updates, please look to the website, local TV stations, and your email.

Baptism of the Lord

“You are precious in my sight.”

Donovan Drake preaching

 Stephanie Boaz assisting

Isaiah 43:1-7

Psalm 29, Hymn 259 (All sing)


Luke 3:15-17, 21-22


8:30 a.m. Westminster Choir

When Jesus Came to Jordan
-Lynn Trapp

11:00 a.m. Laudate Choir

I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry
John Ylvisaker

Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
David Ashley White


149 All Hail to God's Anointed

293 Loving Spirit (omit verse 4)

547 Go, My Children, with My Blessing

For those of you worshipping with us online,
the hymns are available at the back of the bulletin.

LIVE Stream

Directory Updates

The GETconnected Committee will be in the Parlor this Sunday to update your contact info and family photo for our database. Please look for us during the Sunday School hour.
All Sunday School classes begin at 9:45 a.m.

Covenant Class 
• Fellowship Hall

Hebrew Words We All Need to Know: Deepening Your Relationship with the Old Testament.
Did you know that the Hebrew word for "mercy" is also the word for "womb"? How about that the word "repentance" has less to do with feeling guilty than with "changing course"? The Hebrew and Aramaic languages spoken by Jesus and his contemporaries were steeped in a rich tradition dating back millennia. That tradition is filled with concepts that can radically deepen your understanding of key Christian principles. And you don't have to become proficient in Biblical Hebrew to profit from this blessing of the church.
In these classes, Dr. Spencer Klavan will present a few key Hebrew words and concepts that can draw you closer into relationship with God's word in its historical context and today.

Meeting ID: 850 7746 0232

Passcode: 385525

Murdoch MacLeod • Library

We will discuss this week's gospel lesson.

For more info, please contact Paul DeWitt,

Back to Basics: Christian Belief

Goodpasture Hall

Westminster is continuing our new series of Sunday School classes to help us get back to the basics! This Spring we’ll continue with an introduction to Christian Beliefs. We’ll explore how Christians understand their faith, the doctrines of the church, and our own Reformed tradition. Attendees will become familiar with the beliefs of the church, why they matter now, and how they shape and form our lives as contemporary Christians.
This class is great for anyone who is new to the faith all the way to seasoned theologians who would like a refresher—all are welcome!
Email Will Wellman with any questions. 

Faith & Fellowship

Fellowship Sunday. Please join Covenant Class.

Young Families

This class will join the Back to Basics class in Goodpasture Hall.
Winter New Member & Inquirer Class
Please join us in the Overlook Room.

This class series provides the opportunity to learn more about Westminster and the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), meet others, and explore ways to become involved in the wide array of opportunities for growth in faith, belonging in fellowship, mission, and service.

We start today and run through February 16,
with the opportunity to join on March 2 for those who
feel called into membership. 

To sign up for the class, please contact Sherri Givens,

For questions or more information please contact co-chairs Kathleen Simcoe, ( and Ken Larish (, or
pastoral staff Heidi Hudnut-Beumler (
Calling all Young Adults
Join us in Goodpasture Hall after the 11:00 a.m. service for a light lunch (provided by the church), conversation and to get to know one another. Goodpasture Hall is just down the stairs from the Mayfair entrance. 
For more info, please contact Stephanie Boaz,
Youth Sunday School Begins at 9:45 a.m.
Gather in the Koinonia Youth Café for donuts and fellowship before class.  
Youth Group will begin on January 26.
Children's Sunday School Begins at 9:45 a.m.
2s are in room 149
3s are in room 161
4s are in room 163
Godly Play/Kindergarten in 183
1st - 3rd  Chapel first and then will be picked up in rooms 
4th & 5th Grade in room 292

Generosity 2025 Pledge

If you would like to dedicate flowers in the Sanctuary or Parlor this year, please click the link below to sign up for a particular date.

Flower Reservations

4:00 pm Rehearsals 


5:00 pm Rehearsals 

Laudate Choir 

Chiming Children
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