Sunday info

Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

Children's Sabbath

“Running on empty?”

Donovan Drake preaching

Mark 12:38-44

8:30 a.m. 
Psalm 146, Hymn 643

11:00 a.m.
Tune My Heart
- James Brighton

1 Kings 17:8-16


8:30 a.m.

Laudate Youth Choir

I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry

-John Ylvisaker

O For a World

- John W. Semingson

11:00 a.m. 
Gloria and Jubilate Choirs

Ally Hard, Director

The Light in Me
Joanne Brown LeDoux

Bwana Asifiwe

- arr. Mark Burrows


463 How Firm a Foundation
482 Baptized in Water
716 God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending

For those of you worshipping with us online,
the hymns are available at the back of the bulletin.

Download a copy of the bulletin here.
LIVE Stream
Second Sunday Celebration
Come enjoy specialized coffee with a goodie over fellowship! Grab a cappuccino, latte macchiato or flat white plus a pastry in the Parlor from 9:30 - 11:00 a.m.
Update Your Membership Contact Info
Visit the membership table in the Parlor and talk with a member of the GETconnected team to update your contact info and family photo.

See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.
Isaiah 43:19
Thank you! Because of your generosity, we have reached 70% of our goal, with 339 pledges committed. We are so grateful that 70% of the pledges received reflect an increase in giving over last year. As you prayerfully consider a pledge for this year, a  5% increase in support would allow Westminster to continue to serve this church, the community and the world, living out the Word, shining God’s light, and sharing God’s love.

We need every gift, of every size to sustain the ministries at Westminster. Will you join in this journey, as we perceive what “new things” God is about to do and await the wondrous ways He will work through Westminster in the next year?

With gratitude and hope, 

Your Generosity Committee

Generosity 2025 Pledge

All Sunday School classes begin at 9:45 a.m.

Covenant Class • Fellowship Hall

Westminster Welcomes Anjlo Ajmals to Teach Covenant Class:
We welcome Anjlo Ajmals, a ThM student at Vanderbilt Divinity School, to teach the Covenant Class in Fellowship Hall this morning. Anjlo is under the care of First Presbyterian Church, Santa Monica, CA, has already completed his Master of Divinity at Claremont School of Theology, and is in the process of moving toward ordination in the PC(U.S.A.). A refugee from Pakistan, Anjlo fled to Paris in 2010 after suffering persecution in his home country and founded the Punjabi Church in Paris while working with the American Church in Paris. He ministered for almost six years to Christians from India and Pakistan living in Paris suburbs. The work ignited his passion for theological training and he sees his call to minister to those from the persecuted church in Pakistan, persons with disabilities (as an embodiment of post-polio syndromes), refugees and immigrants. He is married to Lubna and they have an eight-year-old daughter, Mojza (whose name means “miracle”). While they are at VDS First Presbyterian Nashville provides housing for the Ajmals on their campus.

Meeting ID: 858 6905 8343
Passcode: 958435
Back to Basics: Bible • 
Goodpasture Hall


Westminster is launching a new series of Sunday School classes to help us get back to the basics! This fall, we’ll start with an introduction to the Bible. We’ll explore what exactly the Bible is including its structure and history as well as spend time learning about and interpreting various texts together. Attendees will become familiar with the Bible and its contents and develop the skills and understanding so they can comfortably read and interpret Scripture.

For more info, please contact Will Wellman.
Faith & Fellowship • 214
We will be exploring A.-J. Levine’s new book The Gospel of John.

For more info, please contact Donna Schwaber,

Murdoch MacLeod • Library
We will discuss this week's gospel lesson.
For more info, please contact Paul DeWitt,

Young Families • Overlook Room
Join us for a discussion with Chad Folk.

Sunday School • 9:45 a.m.

Gather in the Koinonia Youth Café for donuts and fellowship before class.

Sixth/Seventh Grades
Breakout Room 89

Eighth Grade
Confirmation Class

Ninth- Twelfth Grades
Breakout Room 87

Youth Group • 6:00 p.m.

Join Hannah and Adam for games, dinner and a discussion on friendship.
SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR CHILDREN  | 9:45 - 10:45 a.m.
Two-year-olds through Kindergarten go directly to their classrooms in the preschool hallway. 
First through third grades come to the Chapel at 9:45 a.m. and are picked up down the hall in their classrooms.
Fourth and fifth grades sign in on the first floor of the Wilson wing and then go upstairs to their classroom.
Contact Sophie Maness for more information.
Children & Youth Choirs
4:00 p.m. Rehearsals

5:00 p.m. Rehearsals
Chiming Children

Laudate Choir 

Just Coffee. . . 
filled with justice and love, fair for everyone – Café Justo

The Café Justo (Just Coffee) Cooperative, is a faith-based initiative in Agua Prieta, Sonora. All revenues go to the Cooperative, enabling growers to remain on their ancestral lands rather than migrate to the US.

The deadline to order is November 12.
Order Coffee
If you would like to purchase a poinsettia in memory of or in honor of a friend or family member, please complete a form available at the Information Desk or  email to Terri Eckert.
Sanctuary Flowers
Please contact Terri Eckert to reserve flowers for the Sanctuary or Parlor in 2025.
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