Registration opens January 27!
Registration opens January 27!
The Big Payback 2021 will return May 5-6
Mark your calendars! The Big Payback will return for 24 hours of generosity on May 5, 2021 at 6pm, and last until 6pm on May 6. Since 2004, nearly $21 million from a total of 147,642 donations has been raised for area schools, religious institutions and charities like yours. Will your organization be joining us this year?
Registration opens on Wednesday, January 27. The deadline to register will be Wednesday, March 31. As always, you'll need to be sure your organization has an up-to-date profile in order to participate. 
When registration opens on January 27, we will also be launching some changes to our platform, including improvements to Peer-to-Peer Fundraising pages and a new resource library. Please note, when these changes go live on the 27th, all users will be asked to reset their password. This new password will apply to both The Big Payback and since both sites share one administrative portal.
Our team will be hosting a webinar to introduce you to these changes on February 10 at 1pm CST. If you'd like to join us for the live webinar, you can register here. This webinar will also be recorded and be available to view again as you prepare for May 5. 
Questions? Email
Tell us about your Capital Campaign
Each year, the team releases a Capital Campaign Report to Middle Tennessee funders. This report provides information about current and anticipated capital campaigns in our community. You can view the 2020 report here.
If you'd like your organization's Capital Campaign to be included in the 2021 report, please complete our Capital Campaign Survey. This short survey should take no more than five minutes to complete. Please submit only one survey response per organization. 
As a thank you for helping us to compile this data, each organization that submits a survey response will be entered to win a $50 grant from The Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee.
The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, February 26.
Before beginning the survey, you'll want to have the following information on hand:
  • If currently in a Capital Campaign: campaign description, financial goal, amount raised-to-date, and start/end dates
  • If planning a future Capital Campaign: proposed start date
  • If a campaign was completed in 2020: total amount raised
Capital Campaign Report
Opportunities, Events, and Deadlines 
Rolling Deadlines

Kathryn Bennett Manager

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