Helping Children Notice God |
I found a wonderful article by Lacy Finn Borgo.
I have put a little bit of the article below. Click the link at the bottom to read the whole article.
I hope it is helpful for you.
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Three Steps to Fostering a Child’s Life with God:
Ask open-ended questions. Forgo the Yes-or-No question in favor of ones that encourage sharing. Questions like:
When did you see goodness or beauty today?
Can you tell me about a time when you heard God speak to you or when you told God something?
When is a time when you knew everything was going to be okay?
Tell me about something that happened that made you so happy.
When did you feel very safe?
Create a safe space for the telling of her or his story. This means suspending judgment in favor of hearing. There are times to teach and correct, but don’t do it at this time. Just be present and listen.
In someway communicate that you have heard. Retell what you heard and ask if you retold it correctly. Make sustained eye contact. Ask curious questions, not to evaluate or judge, but to understand better. The action of acknowledging conveys honor and respect. The telling and retelling of our experiences with God form us. It reinforces the memory and helps children to recognize the movement of the Spirit when it happens again.
http:// Renovaré | Helping Children Notice God - Lacy Finn Borgo
| K - 4th Grade Pottery Classes |
Each group will attend two weeks of pottery and two weeks of recreation in the gym!
Wednesday Night meals will include Taziki's, Coco's, and Martin's.
Classes are for Kindergarten through 4th graders, church members, and community friends. Grandparents are welcome to bring their grandchildren! Pre-kindergarteners are welcome if accompanied by a parent or grandparent. If your fifth grader would like to volunteer, contact Beth Drake.
2/12 – Taziki’s (chicken, sides, fruit, dessert, chicken roll-ups for kids)
2/19 – Martin’s (bbq, sides, chicken tenders for kids, dessert)
2/26 – Moe’s (taco bar, fruit, dessert)
| Westminster Presbyterian Church Presents
Friday, February 28 - Saturday, March 1
Our friendships, families, and communities flourish more fully when we choose to live them in deep relationships with God and one another.
Join us for this first annual event where we seek to live more fully into the people God has called us to be in the relationships God has called us to share.
We hope to see you there.
| How to Human with Carlos Whittaker
Best Selling Author and Speaker
(Book signing | Meet and Greet to follow)
Doors will open at 5:30 p.m.
These feel like crazy times. We’re agitated, fighting, and wrestling with big issues. It can feel like we’re less connected than ever to one another and to God. It’s a perfect storm: debilitating anxiety, crashing relationships, and forgetting what it feels like to be human.
When it feels impossible to love our neighbor the way Christ commands, Carlos will help his audience shift from “me” to “we” to “everybody” in a three-part journey to be human, see fellow humans, and free those around us.
Your community will walk away feeling inspired to help others, hope fiercely, and experience the thrill of being fully human. Carlos uses scripture to guide his audience toward a radical path of love– one that requires us to become builders rather than demolitionists. One that gets personal. One that moves toward others in faith rather than away in fear.
| Childcare will be available for sessions on this day.
Unplugging Childhood with Erin Loechner
NYT Bestselling Author & Editor
The truth is, our society’s fixation on devices is diminishing our lives. We see it. We feel it. We know it. But let’s stop blaming ourselves, and certainly not our kids. This is the world we’ve given to them. It’s all they’ve ever known. So, what’s the alternative? In this engaging, interactive workshop, NYT Bestselling Author and Editor Erin Loechner will guide us through a series of specific, practical, and actionable steps to rally our villages and opt out… together.
Let’s finally – ultimately – give our kids what technology can’t: a better world.
| Follow Me with Adam DeVries
WPC Parish Associate Pastor
We spend years preparing teenagers to drive a car. When it comes to technology, often we don’t prepare them at all. Young people are regularly given access to technology with the assumption that they know how to navigate the wireless world safely. That’s like giving a 15 year old keys to a car and saying, “good luck.”
Follow Me helps families (youth AND adults) rethink and be more intentional with the way they use technology. Many times our devices convince us to settle for fitting in when what we really need is belonging. It’s our hope that participants in this session will learn ways to use technology to foster genuine relationships rather than constant comparison.
Parenting Adult Children with Dr. Lauren Spooner
PhD., Clinical Psychology
Parenting Adult Children- no one wrote us a guide book! Some of us didn’t even realize we’d still be parenting after we “graduated” the raising kids phase of life. Whether you are entering the season of parenting an adult child or have been a parent of an adult child for years, this one is for you.
In this session, Dr. Spooner shares her expertise on parental guidance and support for adults as they encounter the challenges of coming of age. She focuses on the importance of being intentional about fostering maturity and independence even before the point of coming of age, avoiding parent traps in the process, and how parents might yield to the personal transforming work of the Holy Spirit when faced with intergenerational conflicts. Transformation and spiritual growth in the parent/adult child relationship is possible. Welcome to this dynamic season of life!
| Holy and Whole: Reclaiming the Goodness of our Bodies with Jami Nato
Registrations for Summer Music Camp are open! Rising 1st-6th graders are welcome to participate in the Staged Musical Play June 2-8, 2025. Throughout the week they work on singing, speaking lines, staging with costumes, choreography, arts & crafts, and Bible stories with a performance at the end. The registration link and more information can be found on the church website, with registrations open until February 1.
All children that would like a solo singing and/or speaking role must attend the Music Camp Audition Rehearsals (Sundays 4:00-4:50 p.m.): April 27, May 4, May 11 and May 18.
Music Camp Daily Schedule
Monday-Friday, June 2-6
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Saturday, June 7 (Dress Rehearsal)
9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Sunday, June 8
9:00 a.m. Warm-up
9:45 a.m. Performance
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