Oakland University
Pre-Professional Advising
Friday, Febuary 23, 2024

Table of Contents

Pre-Professional Advising 
  • Workshops
    • Pre-Professional Workshops
Student Organization 
  • OSI -- Office of Student Involvment
Important Information
All Students
  • Summer Opportunity - AmeriCorps Service Year
  • Exploration Fair - Opportunities in Healthcare and Natural Sciences
  • Graduate Programs - MSU Medical Neuroscience Graduate Certificate
Dental Students
  • DAT Resources - Bootcamp.com for the Dental Admission Test

Pre-Professional Advising Information 

Workshops - Link to sign-up

OSI -- Office of Student Involvment

For student intrested in being apart of a community that is likeminded in their majors and disciplines, visit https://www.oakland.edu/osi/. The Office of Student Involvment has connections to many resources such as student organizations like Pre-Medical Society, Pre-Physicial Assistant Society, and Pre-Pharmacy Society.

Summer Opportunity - AmeriCorps Service Year

This summer, senior students will have the opportunity to do a service year with AmeriCorps. This program involves caring for infants and children up to age six who are at risk for abuse and neglect in Houston, TX. Hands of Hope AmeriCorps Members will serve these vulnerable children throughout a 12-month commitment, living in a private, gated community (at no cost) and receiving a living allowance. 

Hands of Hope AmeriCorps Members will work collaboratively with other AmeriCorps Members in the home to ensure that children’s physical, emotional, and mental needs are met. While the commitment to our organization is only one year, the impact AmeriCorps Members have on the children in their care is lifelong. In turn, the children’s strength, resilience, and love will also make a lifelong impact on them. 

This program is currently accepting applications for the September 2024-August 2025 service year. The application can be found at: https://www.casahope.org/hands-of-hope-application

For more information, please contact Darean Talmadge 713-529-0639 or dtalmadge@casahope.org 

Exploration Fair - Opportunities in Healthcare and Natural Sciences

Link to register here: bit.ly/3t9OPwn

Graduate Programs - MSU Medical Neuroscience Graduate Certificate

The Neuroscience Program at Michigan State University is offering a 12-credit, fully online graduate certificate program in Medical Neuroscience. The program is aimed at students interested in applying to science graduate or professional school, particularly those looking for gap year academics and/or those in need of academic enhancement prior to applying.
The Medical Neuroscience certificate program will provide post-baccalaureate credentials and career development for students seeking to improve their academic profile or employment qualifications. The program is aimed at students interested in applying to graduate or professional school and individuals working in the pharmaceutical or medical device industries. The health care field is changing with new medical research advancing scientific knowledge at a rapid pace, and our program aims at helping students to navigate developments in the field of neuroscience. 

Admission to graduate or professional schools has become a complex and highly competitive process. Changes to admission exams, like the MCAT, shifts focus from testing what the applicants know to testing how they apply and use what they know. Our program will give students the skills to think critically, work in teams, and communicate effectively, all important skills necessary for success in graduate school, professional school, or industry.

DAT Resources - Bootcamp.com for the Dental Admission Test

DAT Bootcamp is a comprehensive online resource to assist students in their Dental Admission Test preparation.

Bootcamp.com is an all-in-one resource to help students pass the DAT the first time. They offer offer over 3,500 comprehensive video lessons and a highly representative question bank of nearly 9,000 practice questions.

Key features and benefits:
  • Extensive Question Bank: The platform boasts a vast repository of practice questions, covering all DAT sections, including biology, general & organic chemistry, perceptual ability, etc. Our questions are crafted to mimic the actual DAT exam, allowing students to familiarize themselves with the test format and improve their problem-solving skills.

  • Detailed Explanations and Video Solutions: Each question is followed by comprehensive explanations and videos. Ensuring that students gain insights into the underlying concepts, helping them build a solid foundation of knowledge and enhance their critical thinking.

  • Customizable Practice Tests: DAT Bootcamp offers the ability to create tailored practice tests based on specific topics, difficulty levels, or time constraints, allowing students to focus on their areas of weakness and optimize their study sessions.
Schedule a demo here!

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