Tomorrow, for our Block 4 First Mondays, three CC alums will talk about their career paths and the varied ways in which they have sought to make the world better after leaving CC. Come to Kathryn Mohrman Theater on Monday, Nov. 18 from 11:15 a.m.-noon to hear what these alums have to say.
Barrett Donovan ’16 is an environmentalist and community builder with a B.A. in Environmental Science from CC and an M.S. in Resilient & Sustainable Communities from Prescott College. She works for Colorado Water Trust, a homegrown non-profit that restores water to rivers and streams across the state.
Jack Teter ’13 graduated with a BA in Religion and a minor in Feminist and Gender Studies. He now works to implement policies that expand access to abortion and other reproductive healthcare in Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada. Jack was the first transgender staffer at the Colorado Capitol and is an experienced organizer at the intersection of progressive politics and faith communities.
Brian Kates ’93 has applied his BA in Psychology and MA in Counseling and Human Services towards the management of Meadows Park Community Center since 1998, supporting underserved populations through programs, opportunities, advocacy, and connection.