January 5, 2021 | Volume 109 | No. 24
January 5, 2021 | Volume 109 | No. 24
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Rotary Club of Oklahoma City

OKC Rotary News

January 5, 2021 | Volume 109 | No. 24
Live Streamed from Christian Life Center - St. Luke's United Methodist Church| 11:45|  No Club 29 Breakfast    

Happy New Year!   

to view online: live stream available at st. luke's

LIVE at 11:55
If any need technology help accessing the live stream, reach out to the office for assistance.

Rotary Club of Oklahoma City COVID-19 Preparedness Plan  

Steve Lackmeyer is a reporter, columnist and author who started his career at The Oklahoman in 1990. Since then, he has won numerous awards for his coverage, which included the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, the city's Metropolitan Area Projects, the rebuilding of north downtown, the rebirth of the Skirvin Hotel, the rise of Bricktown, Midtown and Automobile Alley, and the city's courting of the NBA.
Steve's family came to town in 1977 when his father led construction of the Sheraton Century Center Hotel. He roamed the brand new corridors of the Conncourse tunnels (now The Underground). He saw the final last gasp of the old downtown and witnessed the destruction of the 26-story Biltmore Hotel. He spent his teenage years watching construction of the Myriad Gardens and a new skyline including Mid-America (now home to Continental Resources), Oklahoma and Corporate Towers, and Leadership Square.



Patrick Raglow


Georgia Fiering
In the News
If you have good news - honors, awards, new achievements - to share with the club, please let us know!


Practice Gratefulness

 by Dave Rhea
There is no need to review a list of unfortunate occurrences situated between today and 365 days prior. We are universally well-aware that 2020 has been a challenge. Each of us have our particular experience of this past year, and undoubtedly, there are disappointments that run the gamut.

In the face of seemingly ubiquitous aggravation, dissatisfaction and disappointment, it is easy to get discouraged and personalize life’s vicissitudes. Unpleasant changes of circumstances or fortune are difficult and even sometimes impossible to ignore. Indeed, as community and organizational leaders, we Rotarians know that ignoring such change is not the best course of action.
So, what are we to do? In the face of unavoidable difficulty all across the spectrum of possibility, from the inconvenience of social distancing and mask-wearing to grieving the loss of a loved one, how are we to proceed? I propose an action that is simple, but sometimes not easy: Practice gratefulness.



Helping Hands Matching Fund Through Feb. 7
Matching Funds Increased to $15,000!!

The Rotary Club of Oklahoma City Board of Directors has established a $15,000 matching grant fund that was made possible through the unused portion of dues that would have supported our Tuesday in-person meetings. The Helping Hands Matching Grant fund will match dollar-for-dollar charitable contributions by Club 29 Rotarians, in good standing, up to $250 per Rotarian, through February 7, 2021 or until such time as the funding is depleted. 
President David Walters

Rotary Club 29 Holiday Giving

Dear Fellow Rotarians:
I am so thankful for the generosity of our Rotarian members. In this unusual year of illness, loss and economic pain the members of Rotary Club of Oklahoma City continue to demonstrate Service above Self.
The Rotary Board of Directors approved a series of holiday contributions to many in our community who need help. The one-time savings that has accrued in our budget from reduced meeting attendance has been channeled to some of our greatest needs. Thank you, President Elect Jerrod Shouse, for helping to organize, along with our devoted Rotary staff, the distribution of some of these savings.

OnePledge Totals

Thank you to the 348 Club 29 Rotarians who pledged a record $110,810!!! 
Amazon will donate .5% of qualified purchases to the Rotary 29 Foundation for our OnePledge campaign.  No fees, no extra cost! Sign up for personal AND business accounts TODAY!
Smile.amazon.com - Search for Rotary Club 29 Foundation

Or Scan the QR Code in the photo (you can use the camera on your phone)   

Rotary Club 29 Online Directory

Rotary Club 29 has an online membership directory which contains current content information for all club members. The link to access the Club 29 directory can be found at the top of  the home page of  okcrotary.com or by clicking  here.
OKC Rotary has provided this tool as a convenience  to help members stay in touch with one another. The online directory,  just like the printed roster, should only be used for Rotary purposes.  If you need help in accessing the directory
, please email the office.


2020-2021 Program Schedule

January 12, 2021 -  Dan Straughan  - Homeless Alliance
Chair of the Day:  To Be Announced

January 19, 2021 - To Be Announced
Chair of the Day: To Be Announced

New Address for the Rotary Office

Rotary Club of Oklahoma City
625 N.W. 13th St.  Ste 105
Oklahoma City, OK 73103

Phone number will remain the same.
Contact email:
Executive Director Megan Law - megan@okcrotary.com
Membership Services  Cheryl Byrd - cheryl@okcrotary.com


December 15, 2020
Online  Only -  91

Total Present and Makeup:  No Attendance requirement
January 5,  2021 - 561

Celebrating Years of Service in Rotary Club 29

These Rotarians  have been members of Club 29 from 38 years to 1 year.


Happy birthday to those Rotarians born in January!

Visit These Advertisers' Websites

Alan Niemann
Will Beckman
Farooq Karim
Jon Bowers
Email Us         405.235.5100        okcrotary.com
625 NW 13th Street, Ste 105, Oklahoma City, OK 73103
625 NW 13th Street Ste 105 | Oklahoma City, OK 73103 US
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