News and Programs 09.21.23
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Emory Interfaith Center Opening Celebration
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Saturday, October 21, 2023, 3:00-4:30 p.m.
1707 North Decatur Road
For nearly 25 years, members of the Emory University have been hoping for an interfaith center to be a home for our increasing religious diversity as well as a space to encourage dialogue, understanding, peacemaking and service across faiths and with all people of goodwill.
Join President Fenves, Dean McGonigle, and Emory OSRL as we celebrate the opening of this new center. Enjoy music, prayers, brief remarks, tours, activities, giveaways, and refreshments.
The center is already in use, and this is one of several openings, but it is part of Homecoming and Family Weekend 2023. For more information, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu.
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Emory OSRL: Homecoming and Family Weekend Events 2023
October 18-22, 2023
Join the Emory Office of Spiritual and Religious Life for a multitude of religious and philosophical services, programs, meals and meetups over the course of Homecoming and Family Weekend. All are welcome.
A complete list of our weekend events and registration information can be found here.
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Recap: Interfaith Candlelight Vigil for Morocco and Libya
On Wednesday, September 20, Emory students, faculty and staff gathered for an interfaith vigil to pray and promote relief efforts for those affected by the devastating natural disasters in Morocco and Libya. The vigil included words from members of many organizations, including the Muslim Students Association, Graduate Muslim Students Council, Beloved Community, Hillel, and the Inter-Religious Council. You can donate to relief efforts here and here.
Sponsored by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life, the Emory Muslim Students Association, and the Graduate Muslim Students Council. You can view the vigil recording here.
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Glenn UMC-Emory Sunday
Sunday, September 24, 11:00 a.m. service, 12:00 p.m. lunch on the green
The Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life is delighted to co-sponsor the annual Glenn-Emory Sunday at Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church on campus. All are welcome to attend worship at 11:00 a.m. and stay for lunch on the green following the service. Register here and look forward to seeing the
Emory guests will include:
- Rev. Dr. Teresa Fry Brown - Bandy Professor of Preaching, Candler School of Theology
- Rev. Maddie Henderson Herlong - Christian Chaplain, Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life,
- Rev. Dr. Brett Opalinski - Assistant Dean of Methodist Studies, Candler School of Theology
- Vega String Quartet - Quartet in Residence, Emory University School of Music
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Emory OSRL and Jain Students Association: Paryushana Festival
Last week, many members of the Emory Jain community participated in the observance of Paryushana. Since a special fast is a large component of the observance, several Emory Jain students arranged to have fasting-compliant meals from a local Jain temple delivered to the AMUC for students to pick up.
As MPH student Shikha Shah shared, “Paryushana literally means “abiding” or “coming together.” Lasting either eight or ten days, it is a time of intensive study, reflection, and purification. It culminates with a final day that involves confession and asking for forgiveness. It is a festival to understand the importance of one's soul in the human body.
Thank you to all the students who helped coordinate this effort. To learn more about the Emory Jain Students Association, please click here.
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Emory OSRL Recognized as a Gold Level Green Office
The Office of Spiritual and Religious Life is delighted to announce that we have been designated a Green Office with Gold status. We are pleased to be partners with the Office of Sustainability Initiatives in helping Emory to achieve its sustainability goals.
Working with our team, affiliates, and student leaders, we are seeking to engage in resource conservation, waste reduction, and creating a healthier, greener workplace and community. Many thanks to our EAA Lakishia Hines for leading us. Learn more about the Green Offices program here.
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The Jewish High Holidays continue with Yom Kippur taking place Sunday and Monday September 24-25. Yom Kippur is the conclusion of the Ten Days of Awe and is the holiest and most solemn of all days in the Jewish year. It is observed by fasting, seeking forgiveness, and atonement.
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High Holidays with OSRL and Ma’alot
OSRL is collaborating with the Ma’alot Jewish Community to offer nature-based Jewish High Holidays services. Join Rabbi Ariel Root Wolpe, McKenzie Wren, Rabbi Jordan Braunig and a host of soulful guests for a musical, nature-filled journey through the High Holidays. All services are held outdoors - at Arabia Mountain and in the Emory Campus Life Pavillion - unless there is inclement weather.
The Campus Life Pavilion is located at 716 Peavine Creek Rd. NE, Atlanta, GA 30322. The closest visitor parking is Peavine Visitor lot located at 29 Eagle Row, Atlanta, GA 30306. These services especially welcome Emory graduate and professional students, faculty, and staff but are open to all for an alternative experience of the High Holidays.
- Kol Nidre at Emory University - September 24, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm: Enter the transformative process of Yom Kippur with a communal chanting of Kol Nidre and evening service to begin our fast. Featuring a breakaway kids program.
- Yom Kippur Morning at Emory University - September 25, 9:30 am to 2:00 pm - Engage in a day of introspection and spiritual growth through music, movement, art, and an investigation into the journey of teshuvah -- returning to self. Featuring a breakaway kids program.
- Neilah at Emory University - September 25, 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm: Conclude the High Holidays with the powerful and exuberant Neilah service, marking the end of Yom Kippur with glow stick ecstatic dancing and triumphant snacking and potluck.
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Hillel at Emory
Join Emory Hillel for Yom Kippur. Please RSVP here so that we know you are coming.
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Chabad at Emory
All services located at the Chabad at Emory House (1500 N. Decatur Road, Atlanta, GA 30307)
For more information, please visit the Chabad at Emory website here. For questions, please click here.
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International Community Friday Lunch
Friday, September 22, 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Brooks Commons, Cannon Chapel
International Community Friday Lunch (ICFL) is a long-standing collaboration between the Office of Spiritual and Religious Life (OSRL) and International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS).
This gathering extends a warm welcome and builds community for international students and scholars over a free lunch. Attendees will also meet sponsors who will share helpful campus resources.
ICFL occurs on Fridays from 11:30 am-12:30 pm in Cannon Chapel Brooks Commons. Meals are limited in number; therefore, please register in advance for each week you will attend.
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New: Mindfulness Circle at Interfaith Center
Mondays starting September 11, 6:00-7:00 p.m., Emory Interfaith Center Meditation Room, 1707 N. Decatur Road
Facilitated by Emory Buddhist Chaplain Venerable Priya Rakkhit Sraman, the Mindfulness Circle is a space exclusively for Emory students to practice mindfulness as a group. Every Monday during the semester, we will engage in a mindfulness exercise followed by conversations around the practices of mindfulness. Light refreshments will be provided.
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Midweek Musical Meditation
Wednesdays during term, 12:00-12:15 p.m. EST, Zoom and Facebook Live
All are invited to reflect and decompress in a mid-week, mid-day time of sacred music. Join Music Director Maury Allums and the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life in taking a moment to breathe and connect with others in our community. Register on Zoom or follow on our Facebook Live.
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Midweek Musical Meditation, 9.20.23
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Buddhist Meditation in Cannon Chapel
Thursdays, 6:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel Sanctuary
Join the Emory Buddhist community in guided meditation and discussion. Come to meditate, to make friends, and to learn about Buddhist life at Emory.
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Beloved Community Protestant Worship in Cannon Chapel
Sundays during the Term, 11:00 a.m. Service, Noon Free Lunch, Cannon Chapel Emory Beloved Community is the weekly progressive ecumenical Protestant worship service for the campus community held Sunday mornings in Cannon Chapel and followed by a free lunch. All are welcome. For more information, please contact Emory Christian Chaplain Rev. Maddie Henderson Herlong.
Preacher for September 24: The Rev. Leslie Watkins, Associate Pastor, Peachtree Road UMC
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Glenn Memorial United Methodist Church: Upcoming Events
Equitable Dinner Sunday, September 24, 6:00 p.m.
Enjoy a meal and complex conversations around topics of diversity. Register here.
Pride Parade October 15
Celebrate Pride and join Glenn Memorial members and other Georgia United Methodists as they walk the Pride Parade together. Register here.
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Emory Buddhist Club: Drepung Loseling Monastery Field Trip
Friday, September 29, 4:00-6:00 p.m., Drepung Loseling Monestary
Join us for Buddhist meditation on September 29. If you are interested in visiting and learning at one of the few Tibetan monasteries in Atlanta area, check out the sign up link below. Please click here.
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Shlokas and Snacks Tuesdays from 5:30-6:30 p.m., AMUC 125
Enjoy snacks and discussion about Hindu spirituality with Chaplain Shweta on Tuesdays.
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Emory HSA: Ganesh Chaturthi Puja Friday, September 22, 5:00 p.m. Cannon Chapel
Join us for Ganesh Chaturthi Puja. Dinner will be provided from Cafe Bombay. Learn more here.
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Hindu Graduate Students Meet and Greet Dinner Wednesday, October 4, 7:00-8:00 p.m., Emory Interfaith Center
Come meet your fellow Hindu graduate students and graduate professionals over a delicious dinner. We hope you’ll join us for this opportunity to build community, foster connections across schools, and learn about Hindu Life at Emory.
Sponsored by the Emory Hindu Chaplaincy.
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University Catholic Center: Catholic Mass
Join the University Catholic Center for Mass. Please see the schedule below.
Sundays, 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Cannon Chapel, 515 South Kilgo Cir NE, Atlanta, GA 30322
Wednesdays, Noon, University Catholic Center, 1753 N Decatur Rd, Atlanta, GA 30307
Thursdays, Noon, University Catholic Center, 1753 N Decatur Rd, Atlanta, GA 30307
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University Catholic Center at Emory University: Study Retreat Saturday, September 23, 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., University Catholic Center
This Saturday, September 23, from 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., the University Catholic Center is hosting a study retreat. There will be wifi, food, and fellowship. Learn more here.
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University Catholic Center: Upcoming Events
Bring your friends and join us this semester starting with a free dinner at the Catholic Center after this Sunday’s 5:00 p.m. mass (note the time change). Excited to see everyone.
Student Dinner and Bible Study Sunday, September 24, 6:00 p.m., University Catholic Center After the 5:00 p.m. Sunday Mass each week, join your fellow Catholic students for dinner.
Graduate Student Social Thursday, September 28, 7:00 p.m., University Catholic Center Hey, Graduate students. We're looking forward to getting together again for dinner, drinks, and great conversation about our faith. More details to come soon.
Faith Formation: Catholicism 101 Sundays at 10:30 a.m., Cannon Chapel in room 105 D. Dive deeper into your understanding of Catholicism with Father John on Sundays after Mass. Click here to sign up or request more information.
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Orthodox Christian Fellowship: Wednesday Bible Study Wednesdays starting September 6, 7:30-8:30 p.m., Cannon Chapel Room 314
Welcome back to campus. We’re beyond excited to kick off this school year with Orthodox Christian Fellowship.
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International InterVarsity: First Alliance Church of Atlanta Saturday, September 23, 6:00-8:00 p.m., First Alliance Church of Atlanta
International InterVarsity Fellowship is offering a welcome dinner for international students and visiting scholars.
In this event, you will: - Have a FREE BBQ dinner with acoustic music
- Enjoy CROSS-CULTURE conversations with our fellows
- Get to KNOW I.I.F. (International InterVarsity Fellowship)
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RUF: Wednesday Large Group Wednesdays beginning August 30
Love God. Love People. Love Emory. Join us Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. at Brooks Commons in Cannon Chapel for weekly Large Group gatherings.
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Compassionate Atlanta: CompassionCon Saturday, September 30, 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. Legacy Park, 500 S. Columbia Drive, Decatur, GA 30030
Discover organizations who promote kindness and compassion and enjoy music, art, wellness activities, food trucks, and more. Visit the website here for more information.
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Interfaith Children's Movement: Annual Interfaith Prayer Celebration Sunday, October 15, 4:00 p.m., at the Loudermilk Conference Center
Interfaith Children's Movement invites you to participate in their annual Interfaith Prayer Celebration. Enjoy workshops, a Children's sabbath service, and other activities. Get tickets here.
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Latinx Heritage Month September 15-October 15, 2023 Join Emory for Latinx Heritage month programs. For more information, please click here.
Sponsored by Centro Latinx and the Office for Racial and Cultural Engagement.
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Sustainable Food Fair and Farmers Market Tuesday, October 3, 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m., Asbury Circle
Check out the Sustainable Food Fair on October 3 next to the Farmers Market. In the Spring of 2007, Professor Peggy Barlett created a new anthropology course called “Fast Food/Slow Food” that introduced undergraduates to the issues of sustainable food systems and was the incubator for the Sustainable Food Fair. In 2016, Dr. Simona Muratore, a specialist in Italian culture and diet, took over leadership of the Fall Food Fair class.
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TAM Institute for Jewish Studies: Jewish Studies Welcome Dinner Wednesday, September 27, 5:30 p.m., Jones Room, Woodruff Library
All are welcome. Come experience a catered kosher sushi dinner, meet fellow students interested in Jewish Studies and learn about an exciting, heavily subsidized summer study abroad opportunity in Poland.
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Emory Ethnographic Forum: New Book Series Thursday, September 28, 1:00-2:30 p.m. Calloway N204
Emory Law professor Deepa Das Acevedo will be discussing her book, "The battle for Sabarimala: Religion, Law, and Gender in Contemporary India". Join her discussion and learn about gender and religion in India. Register here.
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Catholic-Orthodox Community Gathering: Merton and Dialogue Thursday, September 28, 2023, 6:30 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Transfiguration Catholic Church, Social Hall
The Aquinas Center at Emory University's Candler School of Theology invites you to a dialogue with their new Executive Director, Gregory K. Hillis, Ph.D. This program will focus on Thomas Merton, a Catholic monk, who is known for his interreligious work. Register here.
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Opportunities and Resources
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MSA: General Board Freshman Representative
Assalamu’alaikum everyone, we would like to announce that freshman representative applications are open for the ’23-’24 school year. We cherish our first years and would love to bring some on-board the team.
If you’re a passionate, dedicated freshman and want to help facilitate a strong link between your fellow freshman and MSA members as well as the greater Muslim community, please consider applying here.
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Sacred Friends Address Antisemitism September 12 - November 9 2023 on Zoom
Interfaith Community Initiatives invites you to join their once a week Zoom sessions to discuss antisemitism. Join a small group full of diverse backgrounds for an important discussion and rich learning oppertunity. Register here.
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Emory Counseling and Psychological Services Resources
Groups will be meeting in person. CAPS is located at 1462 Clifton Road, Suite 235, 404-727-7450.
Fall 2023 Therapy Groups
- Undergraduate All-Gender Interpersonal Process Group, Thursdays 12:30-2:00 p.m.
- Graduate All-Gender Interpersonal Process Group, Tuesdays 1:00-2:30 p.m.
Fall 2023 Support Groups
- Students of Color Support Group, Fridays 1:00-2:00 p.m.
- International Student Support Group, Thursdays 11:00 a.m.-Noon
To learn more, please click here.
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Weekly Spiritual Gatherings
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There are a plethora of weekly religious and philosophical gatherings offered at Emory. Many of them are listed here and at the button below.
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Annual Major Religious Holidays List -- Academic Year 2023-24
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As planning begins for courses, programs, and meetings for the 2023-24 academic year, OSRL seeks to provide guidance for the Emory community regarding upcoming religious holiday observances that may impact large numbers in our community. These dates are provided to assist community members with avoiding potential schedule conflicts, and can be found below. Please give special attention to the bolded holidays, as they often require accommodation. In some cases, it is ideal to avoid assignments and programs on these dates to be most equitable.
Below are lists of major religious holidays observed by sizeable religious demographic groups within the Emory community.
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Upcoming Religious Holidays
These events are drawn from the multifaith calendar maintained by the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life at Harvard Divinity School. To see more upcoming religious holidays and festivals, please click here.
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Das Laxana Festival Wed., Sep. 20 – Fri., Sep. 29, 2023 Tradition: Jainism (the Paryusana Festival of Jain Digumbar Sect): A 10-day festival that is considered to be a holy convocation. During these days, Jains impose some restraints on their daily activities by fasting, meditation and prayer. The last day of Paryusana is the most solemn occasion of forgiveness and the examination of one's own thoughts and feelings. On this day, Jains ask for forgiveness from their relatives and friends for any offense they may have committed by deed, word or thought.
Yom Kippur Sun., Sep. 24 – Mon., Sep. 25, 2023 Tradition: Judaism (Or Day of Atonement.) The conclusion of the Ten Days of Awe, Yom Kippur is the holiest and most solemn of all days in the Jewish year. It is characterized by repentance, fasting, and forgiveness. Begins at sundown.
Mawlid an-Nabi Tue., Sep. 26, 2023 Tradition: Islam The birthday of the Prophet Muhammed. Begins at sundown.
Sukkot Fri., Sep. 29 – Fri., Oct. 6, 2023 Tradition: Judaism Also known as Feast of Booths. An eight-day Jewish festival of booths (or tabernacles) and the fall harvest. The name refers to the booths (sukkot) used by Israelites during desert wanderings and constructed in the fields during the harvest season. It is a time of thanksgiving for God's presence in creation and among the Jewish people. The Eighth Day (Shmini 'Atzeret) is considered both the end of Sukkot and a distinct festival.
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Emory OSRL ENews is published weekly during term by the Emory University Office of Spiritual and Religious Life publicizing Atlanta-campus spiritual life programs. It is not a comprehensive listing. For Oxford College spiritual life, please click here. To submit information or to update your preferences, please contact religiouslife@emory.edu.
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