Start by stepping into your "Fearless" Era and feel the excitement of starting something new!
Experience how our wellness program kicks off with a fearless mindset, guiding you through an invigorating workout, nutritional insights, and a supportive community tailored for moms.
March 20th from 7:30pm-8:30pm at Let's Play Work- Forest Park
What to expect:
✨ Experience a dynamic Body Boost HIIT workout
✨ Learn about our upcoming spring session and our simple and attainable 4 nutrition-focused challenges for the session
✨ Connect with other moms in a supportive environment
✨ Leave with Thursdays lunch prepped and ready to go with one of our delicious, Body Well approved, salad recipes.
✨ Sign up for the Spring 2024 session before you leave and get BODY WELL for $30 OFF ($259 - $30 = $229)
Space is limited and our open house is only two weeks away!