Highlight of ECS Meeting of October 13, and Preview of UAS Meeting of October 27 |
In an effort to improve communication between ECS/UAS and faculty colleagues, the Executive Committee of the Senate (ECS) at its August 16, 2023, retreat reaffirmed a recommendation from August 12, 2021, that each week, a general message be sent out to all faculty. This message will highlight the immediate past ECS/UAS meeting and give a preview of the upcoming ECS/UAS meeting. In particular, the highlight will summarize the key agenda items and provide context on the key votes; the pros and cons will be summarized and the key arguments for each highlighted. Herein are the highlights of the ECS meeting of October 13, 2023, and a preview of the UAS meeting of October 27, 2023. Meetings of the ECS are restricted to members of the ECS, their alternates, and others whom the ECS may invite, pursuant to SG Meetings of the UAS are open pursuant to SG
Highlights of ECS Meeting of October 13, 2023
Chair’s Report
The faculty fora on the evaluation of teaching were well attended and robust discussions were held. Copious notes were taken, which will be shared with all faculty within the next few weeks.
According to Board policies, BOT, each College must decide if the Dean will attend as ex-officio, non-voting member of the College Personnel Committee and the results of the decision shall be reported to the Chair of the University Academic Senate. Currently, UL, PCEC, CHP, BCOIS, KCON, CECI, and CLAS have responded. We are still waiting to hear from SCB.
The 11th Annual Teach-in will be held Wednesday 11/8 and Thursday 11/9 in a hybrid format. The purpose is mutual education among students, faculty, and staff. The Teach-In is intended to address topics related to inequality and systems of oppression, as well as social justice and liberation.
- The Provost appreciated the constructive conversations at the Faculty Fora.
The Provost is preparing for the November Board of Trustees Meeting.
- The Provost attended the 5th Annual Climate Change Resolution Summit and the CECI Teaching Equity Conference.
Student Senate President's Report
- The Student Senate is working on restructuring processes.
The Diversity Affairs Committee is spearheading the Student Senate’s help with the Teach-In.
- The Student Senate is appointing senators to university committees.
The General Education Committee (GEC) Memo on Modifications to GEC Bylaws proposed adding “b) to provide materials to assist instructors in teaching and assessing the general education knowledge and skills goals” to the bylaws language, making this a standing charge of GEC. The motion to support with recommendation to UAS unanimously passed.
GEC updated ECS on their development of assessment materials as charged. The motion to accept and thank the committee for its work was unanimously supported.
- GEC updated ECS on their generation of exemplars. The motion to accept and thank the committee for its work was unanimously supported.
GEC updated ECS on their work on developing training materials for committee members. These materials will be posted on the faculty governance website and the GEC Blackboard site. The motion to accept and thank the committee for its work was unanimously supported.
The Proposal to Modify SG 2.06 would provide a policy on reviewing centers, which allows us to ensure that resources are properly allocated. After discussion, ECS resolved that Chuck Pazdernik and Amy McFarland will work with Dr. Smart, consistent with ECS/UAS bylaws, to develop policy language using the proposal that was supported by ECS.
The reorganization of PCEC was discussed. After discussing the process and reviewing relevant bylaws language in our Shared Governance Policies, ECS supported the proposal with recommendation to UAS.
For more details on the above items, please go here.
Preview of UAS Meeting of October 27, 2023
- Briefing on the COACHE Survey
- GEC Memo on Modifications to GEC Bylaws
Discussion on Proposal for Reorganization of PCEC
Please, feel free to reach out to your ECS or UAS representative from your College/University Libraries to provide input on any ECS agenda item that you may like to weigh in on.
Thank you for your continuous interest in faculty governance.
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