Dear Colleagues,
We hope that you have had a productive and restorative summer. Faculty Development this summer was bracketed by the Faculty Development Institute and Writing Retreat in late June, and New Faculty "Bootcamp" and Orientation in late August.
As we prepare to transition this month from Dave Cotter as Interim Director of Faculty Development to Lori Marso as Director of Faculty Development, we wanted to call your attention to a few resources relevant to faculty development.
First we would like to point you toward the new Faculty Development website. By drawing together many the resources related to faculty development we hope that it will serve both those of us who are already faculty and those who may be considering joining us.
Second, we want to remind you about the many resources available through the NCFDD. These range from the Monday Motivator emails to webinars on time management, mentoring, and career phasing. Our institutional membership can be accessed through the following steps:
1) Go to
2) Choose your Union College from the drop-down menu.
3) Select “Activate my Membership”
4) Complete the registration form using your institutional email address (i.e.,
5) Check your email to find a confirmation/welcome email. Click “Activate Account” in the email.
Future editions of the newsletter will include timely reminders of upcoming events related to Faculty Development. As always, if you have ideas for events, or ones you would like to publicize, share them with To keep track of these you can sync up the Google calendar feature which will allow you to see Faculty Development events (including General Faculty Meetings, and Faculty Fora) right in your Google calendar.