Dear Colleagues,
Duke University’s Thomas Lord Department of Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering has been at the forefront of modeling the airflow and structural dynamics of aerospace technologies for many decades. It’s a tradition that I’m proud to say we continue to this day, leading the academic-industry GUIde 7 Consortium Center for Aeroelasticity
collaboration to develop better turbine technology.
Our campus also boasts initiatives and organizations to help prepare future engineers with Duke AERO, a collegiate high-powered rocketry group, and the Aviation Engineering Research Opportunities Society for students.
It is this level of excellence that continues to define our program in aerospace engineering, as evidenced by the awards below bestowed on two of our members of the National Academy of Engineering.
As always, our dedicated faculty members' relentless pursuit of knowledge and innovation is driving progress that holds answers to the challenges impacting humanity. We hope the semester is a successful one, and we applaud our faculty, staff and students for their contributions to our community!