July 30, 2024 | Volume 113 | No. 4
July 30, 2024 | Volume 113 | No. 4
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Rotary Club of Oklahoma City


July 30, 2024 | Volume 113 | No. 4
11:25 - NO  in person or online meeting at St. Luke's -  Attendance will be counted at your chosen Vocational Day Venue

Vocational tour day

Thank you to Co-Chairs Heidi Russell and Heather Walter!
Public Strategies/One Set Studio - Host Rotarian:  Ashley Smith
OKC Fairgrounds Coliseum - Host Rotarian: Josh Dougherty
 OKC Ballet Susan E. Brackett Dance Center - Host Rotarian: Jo Lynne Jones

Love's Women's Center Mercy Hospital - Host Rotarian: Richard Smith

University of Central Oklahoma W. Roger Webb Forensic Science Institute -
Host Rotarian: Adrienne Nobles

Media Central - Host Rotarian: Ted Streuli 

Community Health Recreation and Wellness Senior Center  - Host Rotarian: Carrie Blumert
Lopez-Dorada Foods  -  Host Rotarian: Dave Lopez
Vocational Tour Day Final List - by VENUE
Vocational Tour Day Final List - by NAME
Tour, maps, parking and other information was emailed.

In the News

If you have good news - honors, awards, new achievements - to share with the club, please let us know!

Club 29 Breakfast 

Quail Creek Country Club | 7:00am | Wingspan Room
2024-2025 Co-Chairs - Susan McVey and Bud Oehlert 

August 1, 2024:  Dwight Lawson, CEO of Oklahoma City Zoo, “What’s Next for the Zoo:  A New Master Plan for the Next 20 Years.”


Meet 2024-25 District Governor Jack Werner
July District 5750 News

Every day I see Rotarians taking ACTION to make a difference in our community and our world. I see Mack Patel constantly stopping to help strangers as well as friends. I see Mike Trewitt traveling our District to encourage us to stay the course by committing to Polio Plus. Chuck Musgrave, Alfonso Nieves, Angela Rickman, Tom Fisher, Elizabeth Casey, Keith Oehlert, Sally Newey, Roy Woods,…where do I stop?

People of action constantly making a difference.

I want to recognize one person in particular in this article; Jere Jones, a member of the Oklahoma City’s NW Rotary Club and the owner of Sani-Sheen Carpet Cleaning. Jere put his business on hold to put on a cute, but stifling, bear suit and wave people into the Oklahoma Blood Institute RV at Sooner State Bank on North May Ave. It was HOT folks.

The NW Rotary Club initiated the District Wide Blood Drive in conjunction with Rotary International’s designation of July as Blood Drive month.  READ MORE

2024-2025 Rotary International Theme

Rotary International President Stephanie Urchick announced that the 2024-25 presidential theme is "The Magic of Rotary" and called on members to recognize and amplify the organization’s power to save lives . "We are not going to end polio or bring peace to the world by waving a wand. It's up to you. You create the magic with every project completed, every dollar donated, and every new member."


The Rotary Club 29 Foundation accepts  gifts honoring loved ones.  
Contribute here.

Auto-Pay offered for Rotary Club Invoices

 If you would like to have a credit card on file to charge your Rotary CLUB invoices, please contact the rotary office.

Annual Dues Payment Offered

 If you would like to switch from quarterly to annual billing for Rotary CLUB invoices, please contact the rotary office.

Upcoming Events

August 13, 2024 - Rotary Afterhours  - Perle Mesta - Skirvin

Address Changes

Please report any changes in business or home here.

Rotary Club 29 Online Directory - APP available in the App/Play Store

Rotary Club 29 has an online membership directory which contains current content information for all club members. The link to access the Club 29 directory can be found at the top of  the home page of  okcrotary.com or by clicking  here.

OKC Rotary has provided this tool as a convenience  to help members stay in touch with one another. The online directory,  just like the printed roster, should only be used for Rotary purposes.  If you need help in accessing the directory,
please email the office.  


2024-2025 Program Schedule
August 6, 2024 -  “Fueling OKC’s Fastest Growing Industry” – Kari Watkins, Oklahoma City National Memorial; Harshil Patel, Champion Hotels; Moderator: Lindsay Vidrine, Greater Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce; Craig Cress – ED USA Softball; Scott Munz – Okla. State Fair 
August 13, 2024 -  “BancFirst: The History, Present and Future” – Fireside Chat with Gene Rainbolt and David Rainbolt


July 23, 2024 -  In-Person, Online, Makeups: 145
Total Present & Makeup: 26% 

Membership  July 23, 2024 - 600


Happy birthday to those Rotarians born in July!

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Joe McKenzie
Bill Hughes
Joe Kernke
Ann Felton Gilliand
Email Us         405.235.5100        okcrotary.com
625 NW 13th Street, Ste 105, Oklahoma City, OK 73103
625 NW 13th Street Ste 105 | Oklahoma City, OK 73103 US
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