The ADEI Leadership Team Newsletter
The ADEI Leadership Team Newsletter
April 2024 
Intentional Interviews
30-59 minute audio interviews with campus partners discussing ADEI topics, social justice issues, and concepts to offer tangible examples of how we are all stewarding our commitment.
Episode 8
Build Your Capacity
Register Here


Dismantling systems of oppression requires creative and diverse approaches (There is more than one tool in the toolbelt). Fighting for justice does not always look the same. The fact that we don’t all approach a fight the same way does not mean we aren’t all working toward the same goal. It just means that we may have a different way of getting there. Be careful not to judge and generalize the actions of others because they do not meet a predefined standard of action; consider that it is the standard itself that perpetuates white supremacy culture serving as a measure to shift oppression. This enemyfying becomes a catalyst to divide and conquer, diverting our attention from the real issue by capitalizing on separating us. Togetherness leads to the advancement and justice we are all seeking to achieve. 
ADEI in Action!
The Native American Student Union (NASU) and Native and Indigenous community leaders organized another successful CC PowWow. This event was filled with vendors, dancers, and influential Native and Indigenous peoples and allies, many of whom traveled far and wide to support and be in spiritual community with one another. 

Goodbyes Are Never Easy...

Dear CC Community,

I want to share that I am starting a new position as Associate Dean of Faculty at Williams College in early June. While this move is welcome for professional and personal reasons, I am sad to be leaving CC and Colorado Springs.

My last day will be May 1st.

Thank you: 
  • For the opportunity to work for a PWI liberal arts college that knows what it means to commit to antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion,
  • For the relationships, connections, and friendships, and
  • For the growth-enhancing challenges.

My own ADEI lens has expanded exponentially as I have worked alongside you to change and transform Colorado College.  As you continue this work, please keep the sentiments of these two quotes in mind:  

"Learning. . . is not linear, and meaningful learning resists being quantified”. (Jesse Stommel in Undoing the Grade). 
“Pedagogical strategies can determine the extent to which all students learn to engage more fully the ideas and issues that seem to have no direct relation to their experience”. (bell hooks in Teaching to Transgress). 
Please remember that our relationships and connections live on even if I am not in Colorado and no longer work for CC.  I am always only an email or Zoom call away and hearing from you is always welcome:

Warm regards, 


Rosalie Rodriguez

Associate Vice President, Institutional Equity & Belonging 

Peony Fhagen

Associate Vice President, Institutional Equity & Belonging

Ersaleen Hope

Assistant Vice President, Institutional Equity & Belonging

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