May 28 Westminster Book Group 9:30 a.m. • Fellowship 10:00 a.m. • Program Goodpasture Hall
Leader: Will Wellman, Parish Associate Laurus by Eugene Vodolazkin
Love, faith, and a quest for atonement are the driving themes of an epic, prizewinning Russian novel that, while set in the medieval era, takes a contemporary look at the meaning of time. Combining elements of fairy tale, parable, and myth, Vodolazkin’s second novel (after Solovyov and Larionov, to be published in English in 2016) is a picaresque story exploring 15th-century existence with gravity and a touch of ironic humor. Its language veers from archaic—"Bathe thyself, yf thou wylt"—to modern slang, and its preoccupations range across language and belief to herbalism and history. Binding all this together is a character whose name changes four times over his lifetime as he progresses through phases as healer, husband, holy fool, pilgrim, and hermit. Excerpt from Kirkus Reviews.
Buy a copy of the book here.
Our Westminster Book Group, with a history dating back to the 1970s, needs new leadership for the September 2024 through May 2025 season. Speakers choose their book to share and the schedule easily falls into place. Please consider volunteering!
Contact Carolyn Harris at 615-720-6486 for more information.
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June 2 Information Meeting for Upcoming Study Trip to Holland/Belgium
For those who would be interested in learning about the upcoming study trip Holland and Belgium in the Spring: Reformation in the Lowlands that Guy Griffith is planning for April 22 – May 2, 2025, there is an informational meeting after the late service on Sunday, June 2nd in the Overlook Room. A church-wide picnic is planned after worship that day and anyone who plans to attend the information meeting can grab lunch and come to the Overlook Room.
If you have questions, please reach out to Guy ( or Keith Cole (
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Summer Book Study Starts Thursday, June 6
During the past summer months, Guy has facilitated a book study in the slot of the Thursday Women’s Bible Study which meets from 9:30 – 11:00 a.m.
This summer, we will continue the practice, but Guy will be joined by Parish Associates, Stephanie Boaz and Will Wellman in leading our study of Jesus and the Powers: Christian Political Witness in an Age of Totalitarian Terror and Dysfunctional Democracies by N.T. Wright and Michael F. Bird.
The book is “an urgent call for Christians everywhere to explore the nature of Kingdom amid the political upheaval of our day.” It asks, “Should Christians be politically withdrawn, avoiding participation in politics to maintain their prophetic voice and to keep from being used as political pawns? Or should Christians be actively involved, seeking to utilize political systems to control the levers of power?” In Jesus and the Powers, the authors “call Christians everywhere to discern the nature of Christian witness in fractured political environments. In an age of ascending autocracies, in a time of fear and fragmentation, amid carnage and crises, Jesus is king, and Jesus’s kingdom remains the object of the church's witness and work.” The book is “part political theology, part biblical overview, and part church history, [and] argues that building for Jesus's kingdom requires confronting empire in all its forms.”
Books will be available through the office, please contact Kris Pardue to reserve a copy.
The class will begin on Thursday, June 6th in Goodpasture Hall and will run through the end of August. It is likely we will finish Jesus and the Powers by the end of July and offer a second book in August.
Buy a copy of the book here.
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Kick off the summer with two all-church events...
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June 9 Homemade Ice Cream Social Westminster Café 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.
We hope you can join us for good old-fashioned ice cream. Come and go as you can and enjoy a sweet treat and fun fellowship.
Learn and play with Living Waters for the World hands-on water purification board! We will have games and crafts, too.
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June 14Authors Roundtable10:00 a.m.
Westminster Café
New York Times Best-Selling Author, Jane Lorenzini, will discuss her latest book, “The Growing Season.” Jane’s book is the second in a series set in early Ft. Myers, Florida, continuing the story of Belle Carson and a host of other lovable, quirky characters.
This is Jane’s second appearance at an Authors Roundtable at Westminster. She discussed her debut novel, “After the Rain,” after its release in 2019. She has been a great friend to beginning writers in the Joy in Learning creative writing workshop called Telling Your Story by consulting with individuals as well as speaking to the class.
Jane has written four best-selling books with her dear friend, Hoda Kotb, co-host of NBC’s Today show. She and Hoda have remained close after working together years ago in TV news in Ft. Myers. According to Hoda, “Jane’s writing will charm your heart and tickle your funny bone.”
Buy a copy of the book here.
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This Authors Roundtable will also introduce Sam Owen, who began writing about his Mississippi boyhood in the Telling Your Story workshops. Sam’s delightful stories have become a book titled, “Old Times Not Forgotten: As Told by a Son of the South.”
Sam and his wife, Judy, are long-time members of Westminster. He is busy at work on his second book about his love of Ole Miss, meeting Judy, and playing
football on championship teams in the early 1960s.
Buy a copy of the book here.
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Café Hours: Tuesday-Friday 8:00 a.m. - Noon
Activities in the Café:
Chess - Friday Mornings10:00 a.m.
Starts this Friday
Please click on the name of the activity you would like to participate in to register.
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Monday Mission Activities
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