WSO Team of the Month:
Did you know that the World Service Office (WSO) is trilingual in English, French, and Spanish? Learn more about the Translation team’s work to facilitate communication with French- and Spanish‑speaking members within the WSO structure.
New Conference Approved Literature! |
Healing within Our Alcoholic Relationships—A Collection of Insights from Our Shared Journey (P-95)
This 48‑page booklet captures the essence of the Al‑Anon program in a series of brief but powerful messages of timeless wisdom, adapted from Al‑Anon literature on relationships, including The Dilemma of the Alcoholic Marriage (B‑4). It is perfect for newcomers or anyone needing to “Keep It Simple” and get back to basics. Available in English, Spanish, and French.
International Business Meeting: IAGSM |
Al‑Anon international structures with a General Service Office (GSO) or national service structure meet biennially at the International Al‑Anon General Services Meeting (IAGSM). This year, the IAGSM took place September 25‑29 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA, hosted by the World Service Office (WSO).
International Delegates shared about their structures and collaborated together on recommendations for the International Coordination Committee (ICC) to bring to the World Service Conference. This international business meeting is integral to encouraging the growth of sound service structures and maintaining worldwide unity through application of Al‑Anon’s Twelve Traditions.
Attention International Members! |
Calling all members from around the world! The World Service Office (WSO) would love to include your experience, strength, and hope in The Forum magazine. Please share from your heart about how the Al‑Anon program helps you. Articles can range from 200–800 words.
Note: Submissions in Spanish, French, or any other language must be accompanied by an English translation. Submit online or send your articles to The Forum, 1600 Corporate Landing Parkway, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23454‑5617, USA; or to
“‘You are in a rough place right now,’ my Sponsor said as we walked together before our meeting. I had asked him to meet me 30 minutes early to help me find some firm ground. My brother had died four days earlier, and my partner was spiraling into a drunken bottom of her own…”
You may have seen the initials AFG and wondered what they stand for. It’s simple! AFG stands for Al‑Anon Family Groups. You will find these initials used throughout the fellowship in:
Group Names: All Al‑Anon groups are registered with the letters AFG in their name.
- Mailings: Look for AFG, Inc. on envelopes from the World Service Office.
- Financial Transactions: AFG, Inc. will appear on your bank or credit card statement after an order or contribution.
New Topic for the Member Blog |
October’s topic is, “How do you put the spiritual principle of ‘Unity’ into practice?”
As always, you can also write about Al‑Anon’s three Legacies. This month features Step Ten, Tradition Ten, and Concept Ten.
Sharings on the Member Blog may be used in future Al‑Anon publications.
New topics are being added each month!
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