Please feel free to send us any events or suggestions for activities to share with the STS community. Email us!
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New STS Courses This Year
Winter STS 132: Earth, Space, Bits: Debating the Nature and Future of Humanity Tue/Thu 12:00 PM - 1:20 PM Are humans fundamentally symbiotic organisms who cannot exist apart from the rest of earthly life? Should humans try to alter their physiology in order to inhabit other planets? Or might the ultimate purpose of human existence be to leave organic biology behind entirely? This course explores a range of competing contemporary claims concerning the nature and future of humanity. This class is approved as Socio-cultural course for Catastrophic Risks and Solutions, Politics and Policy, Social Dynamics of Data and Information, and Innovation and Organization. It is also approved as a Concentration Core class for Catastrophic Risks and Solutions and Politics and Policy.
STS 200W: Are We Really All Cyborgs?: Bodies as Technoscience Tue/Thu 1:30 PM - 2:50 PM This course explores the way humans engage with technoscience through their bodies. Science and biomedicine constantly inform how we understand and approach our bodies, and we routinely integrate technology into our bodies whenever we wear glasses or smartwatches, take medications, or drive. Importantly, technological artifacts and scientific knowledge themselves embody and negotiate human values and politics. We examine the dynamic and intricate interplay of the body, the technical, and the social through the analysis of a variety of domains: from communication, VR and AI to gender, race, and disability to healthcare, pollution, and disasters. Reminder: if you are a Senior, this should be the year you are completing your STS Capstone requirement
Spring STS 139: Designing Regenerative Societies Tue, Thu 10:30 AM - 11:50 AM The world is changing in contradictory ways. Emerging technology, the evolving geopolitical economy, and ecological challenges present opportunities but also cascading risks. The pathway from our current destructive and extractive economy towards a more regenerative economy is unclear. There is a stark tension between gigascale opportunities such as AI, fusion energy, nanotech, quantum tech, space colonization, and biomanufacturing on the one hand, and degrowth necessities such as rethinking growth and using less resources on the other. This tension is steeped in political choices constrained by industrial power dynamics and conditioned by inequality. To what extent do visions and incentives align across industry, government, and social movements? What would the choice to scale or descale entail in each case - and are they mutually exclusive?
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Kavli Institute Student InternThe Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) is looking for a self-driven student intern to support the Institute's educational outreach and communications efforts. This is a great opportunity for students who hope to gain more hands-on experience in communications, project management, and event planning. KIPAC houses 150+ scientists with diverse interests in astrophysics and cosmology, and is committed to broadening participation in astronomy and communicating research frontiers to the general public. this is a seasonal role from 1/16/24 - 9/1/24
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Student Technical Support AgentStudent Technical Support Specialists provide in-person, one-on-one support to students who come to drop-in office hours at the Lathrop Learning Hub, call in by phone, or submit help tickets online. No previous technical work experience or skills required, but an interest in technology and helping others is strongly encouraged!
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Health Educator InternThe GoodHealth Team is seeking individuals who are self-motivated, challenge-driven, team-oriented, and passionate about health and education. This internship is geared toward individuals who are seeking hands-on experience in health education, special education, and/or leadership. Interns educate post-secondary students and young adults with special needs with moderate to severe disabilities about various health topics such as: nutrition, tobacco education, personal hygiene, relationship building, and personal safety. In addition, interns have the opportunity to plan and execute various health, career development, and fundraising events throughout the school year.
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Interview WorkshopWednesday, January 31, 2023, 12:10 - 1:00pm
Are you wondering how to best prepare for a job interview? Are you nervous about an upcoming interview? In this session, we will discuss how to handle common interview questions and identify a useful method, STARS (Situation, Task, Action, Result, So What), to tell your story. Join the Stanford Career Center to learn best practices, techniques, and resources to help you succeed in interviews.
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- STS Website: Visit our Research Opportunities and Careers pages.
- H&S Career Toolkit on Canvas: A Career Toolkit on Canvas specifically for humanities, arts and sciences students!
- Interstride is an interactive career platform that enhances the career exploration and job search process for international students and alum.
- Handshake: Updated listing for job search events.
- CareerEd: prepares students and recent alumni to pursue and secure fulfilling careers.
- Idealist: Good ideas for taking action!
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