The latest news about the Corps of Cadets from the Commandant.
The latest news about the Corps of Cadets from the Commandant.
It's quiet here on the Quad! As you’ll see later on in this newsletter, our cadets are busy utilizing their summer break to positively impact their local communities, their states and our nation through volunteer, internship and other opportunities. I continue to grow prouder of them and their achievements by the day, and I know that you can say the same!
As we draw nearer to August, I’d like to provide you with some updates to the Corps experience. 
Developed by current cadet leadership, the essence of Fall Orientation Week will be expanded to all members of the Corps as the Fall Onboarding experience. We’re preserving the best parts of FOW while adding key leadership training elements to make it more impactful for all cadets.
It’s important to note this onboarding experience will retain a similar structure to previous freshman orientations. Cadet advisors will train and help the new cadets acclimate into the Corps lifestyle and academic standards. Consistent with last year, outfit cadre members will include sophomore, junior and senior cadets. 
New to the expanded experience, leadership development training for cadet leaders and other returning cadets will occur ahead of the freshman class’ arrival.
A featured element of the new onboarding experience is the Corporals Course. Designed for sophomore cadets, the Corporals Course will provide a refresher on Corps leadership standards and expectations while establishing a baseline understanding of values and traditions amongst cadets. At completion of the Corporals Course, sophomores will be integrated into the cadre.
We are excited to see this new plan in action in August. Whether a student in the Corps is a freshman, senior, or somewhere in between, there’s learning to be done and growth to be had. This expanded experience seeks to draw those lessons and that growth out of each cadet from day one. 
I encourage you to read more about this exciting new development to the Corps experience below:
Thanks & Gig 'Em, 
Brigadier General Michaelis' signature
Brigadier General Patrick R. Michaelis ’93
2023-2024 State of the Corps cover image depicting 23-24 Corps Commander, Caitlynn Walsh and Corps Staff during a march-in.

2023-2024 State of The Corps

Keep an eye out for our 2023-2024 State of The Corps!
This annual review recaps all of the individual and organizational achievements of the Corps, and is an excellent resource for appreciating all that our students do throughout the year.
This year’s State of The Corps will be shared very soon with those registered for one or more of my newsletters, so please encourage your friends and family members to sign up if they would like to receive it!
C-2 cadets conducting a campus march-in;

Texas A&M Corps of Cadets to Conduct March-In for the

Lone Star Showdown

The Texas A&M Corps of Cadets is excited to announce a campus march will be conducted prior to the Lone Star Showdown against the University of Texas at Austin on Nov. 30, 2024. An iconic part of the Aggie gameday experience, the Corps of Cadets conducts march-ins prior to every home game in Kyle Field.
Though the Corps hasn’t conducted march-ins prior to home games during Thanksgiving week in the past several years, this year’s march-in will celebrate the return of the football rivalry with the University of Texas while showcasing the full Aggie Spirit for old and new fans alike.
While march-in details are pending the announcement of game time, the campus march will begin on the Quad. Read more about the return of this special march-in here.
Cadet Abbie Martin '25 aboard the Carnival Spirit Cadet Leighton Hamilton smiles outside of the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Erin Regan smiling outside of the Corps Arches.

Cadet Summer Activities Highlight

Throughout the summer break, many of our cadets are using this time to prepare for their futures and give back to things that matter to them. Today, we are highlighting three of our cadets and their summer involvement!

Abbie Martin ‘25 is interning with the Carnival Cruise Line, where she’s spending her summer aboard the Carnival Spirit out of Seattle, Washington. Abbie was one of only 31 students from the U.S. selected for this opportunity, and is the sole representative of Texas A&M!

Erin Regan ‘25 is spending her summer working with the Corps Recruiting team! In her role, Erin is helping the recruiting team as they welcome in members of the class of 2028 at their New Student Conferences, and is also helping with the team’s high school student recruiting initiatives.

Leighton Hamlin ‘25 is interning with the Radioactive Materials Compliance Program at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality in Austin, Texas. A Nuclear Engineering major, Leighton’s experience with this internship is helping him prepare for his professional career beyond graduation.

We are very proud of these cadets for taking the initiative to get involved this summer! Each of these experiences will prove invaluable to their development as leaders and as individuals. We look forward to highlighting more cadet involvements in upcoming newsletters! 
Former cadets marching together during Rally to the Guidons

A Message From The Corps of Cadets Association

Calling all former cadets! Registration will be opening soon for the 16th Annual Rally to the Guidons! October 5, 2024, this year’s Rally will integrate former cadet blocks with Corps units. The Rally will be in four major blocks—Special Blocks, Brigade, Regiment, Wing—with each major block marching behind the Corps Staff and its respective Corps Major Unit. Also unique to this year, a women-only block will lead the Rally in celebration of 50 years of women in the Corps. 

For more information and registration, visit
Upcoming Events
August 19th, 2024 - First Day of Classes (Fall)
August 31, 2024 - BTHO Notre Dame, 6:30 PM Kickoff, Kyle Field. 

Stay up to date with upcoming events in the Corps of Cadets here
To view the latest photo coverage of Corps events, visit our Flickr account here
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