Dear St. Lukers,
As I write this Weekly Update, it’s Tuesday. (We could throw a mini party right now wherever you are that I had the chance to actually write this so early in the week.) I wanted to write it in this very moment because right outside my window for the last hour there has been a line of cars waiting for the Supporting HEARTS food distribution. In the midst of the waiting, there has been the sound of noise makers and laughter. Now an hour after the line has disappeared, there is a mix of St. Luke’s partners (members) and new St. Lukers from the community sitting in a socially distant circle of camping chairs, sharing, building one another up and laughing together. As I sit from the quiet space of my office, working on ministry goals and objectives for 2021, I recognize this moment I am witnessing is proof of the purpose of why our church exists – to reveal God’s Kingdom of Love.
This weekend is Valentine’s Day, another beautiful holiday we have over commercialized with a worldly take on romantic love proved through gifts of jewelry, chocolates, and flowers (which, by the way, my sweet valentine John, I am not against any of these!). However, the history of Valentine’s Day was not about romantic love, but the saints known as Valentini, many of whom were martyred as early as the third century, for revealing miracles of God’s healing powers to help prove God to converts. These miracles and conversions of people to the Christian faith led to these saints being beheaded or killed. Probably not the romantic story you wanted for Valentine’s Day; however, it is the story of faithful people willing to risk anything to share the story of God’s love, a love so powerful it brings healing and transforms lives. This is in essence what happens outside my office windows every Tuesday, or in these halls every morning and evening that our 12-step groups gather for encouragement and support, or throughout the week when children and youth are gathering to learn how important their lives are in God’s story. Valentine’s Day is not just about the love we have toward our significant other, but the love we have for others that finds its meaning and depth in the story of God’s love in Christ.
Sunday we will conclude our six-week overview of God’s story as we use the new testament story of Jesus’ life, death, resurrection and the building of the church as our entry into Lent. We will focus on the ever-popular Scripture from John 3:16-17 to remember that the story that began with creation ends in its final revelation with the word LOVE.
Great news – Orange County’s 14-day rolling average COVID-19 positivity rate is 8% and we feel confident in being able to resume on-campus worship. (Did you know we have had on-campus discipleship, mission, and care ministries on-campus this entire time?) This week in addition to virtual worship, we resume on-campus worship for both the 9:15 a.m. Contemporary service in Founder’s Hall and the 11:15 a.m. Traditional/blended service in the Sanctuary. You can register here to attend in person. Children will be dismissed midway through the service for their own special time of learning about this theme of revelation and love (register children using the same link).
Worship time changes may be new for some St. Lukers so I remind all of us, that in the context of the love of Christ, each of us may have to give a little in order for us to:
1) Reengage those who we have missed in worship
2) Continue to reach a virtual audience who cannot worship with us in person (we are limited to one online service at a time and need time to prepare streaming equipment between services)
3) Reach new people who may need different entry points into the life of St Luke’s than those of us who have been engaged for years
These are big tasks to accomplish and it calls for us all to be flexible. Remember, if you can’t join us to participate in worship at 9:15 or 11:15, these worship services are available on Facebook (no account required) immediately after the service as well as on YouTube and St. Luke’s website within 24 hours. We will assess our effectiveness in these three goals over the season and adapt accordingly. Each opportunity we have to try something gives us more understanding of what helps us most effectively fulfill God’s purpose, mission, and vision. We thank you for your patience and ability to help us learn.
Wednesday, February 17 is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of our Lenten Journey with the sign of ashes, reminding us how much we need a Savior. We will have worship on Facebook LIVE and on-campus in the Sanctuary at 7:00 p.m. You can register here to attend on campus. This Lent we will continue to dive into the love story of Jesus as we hear him prophetically speaking to his death throughout the gospels, helping the disciples understand what it takes to be followers into Jerusalem. Together, we will move through Lent through The Hero’s Journey, understanding the vows of our baptism as the ways we participate in the story of Holy week with Jesus. We will continue to dive deep as we LEARN on Wednesdays with Pastor Bill and the clergy team; ENGAGE the Hero’s journey in worship, LISTEN as we connect with one another in Life together groups around discussion based on the story and then ECHO the story in very particular ways of mission engagement around food insecurity. Plan now and mark your calendars for this special Lenten journey.
May this Valentine’s weekend overwhelm you with love, most importantly the love of God who through Christ, invites you into the greatest love story ever told. May you reveal this love to those you know, and those you don’t as you let your lives be a part of telling this story to everyone you meet.
Until Sunday –
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St. Luke's CelebratesBlack History Month
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Reminder: The church campus will be closed on February 15 in observance of President's Day, and will re-open on Tuesday, February 16 at 9:00 a.m.
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Click the image above to learn more about connecting to one of the classes or programs you can participate in online or listen to on the phone. If you need help connecting to one of the groups on the schedule, email Liz Vasquez or call 407.876.4991 ext. 216.
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| Live Online Worship Sundays:
On-campus Worship Sunday, February 14:
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Click the button below to read this month's
St. Luke's Celebrates newsletter:
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Do you have a celebration you want to share? Click the button below to send your stories, photos, and milestones for the upcoming newsletter!
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Click the button below to read the
Missions 2020 Highlights newsletter:
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Open your HEARTS and Lend a Hand
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The weekly Supporting HEARTS food distribution at St. Luke's has been all over the news, spreading love and hope to our friends in the arts/entertainment community:
Click the button below to donate to Supporting HEARTS, and share with friends to help keep this vital ministry going:
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How's it Growing, St. Lukers?
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St. Luke’s was awarded a $42,000 grant from No Kid Hungry to expand the Grow It Forward network in 2021! Grow Orlando will lead the initiative as Grow It Forward expands to faith campuses located in Food Priority Areas west of Orlando. Click the button below to learn more about Grow It Forward:
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Looking Ahead at St. Luke's
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Mark the beginning of Lent with Ash Wednesday worship online or on campus (registration required). Click the button below to register for the on-campus service, for details on picking up ashes to use at home, and more:
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There's still time to share your Estimate of Giving with St. Luke's! Bring the Estimate of Giving card you received in your mailbox to the dropbox outside of Building C, or complete an online Estimate of Giving by clicking the button below.
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Help St. Luke's provide fresh produce weekly to local families who have experienced job loss due to the pandemic by gleaning our community on February 13!
Click the button below to see all the ways you can get involved in this church-wide day of gleaning:
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Shop handmade crafts, decor, clothing, and more at great prices for a cause at the UMW Gift Shop, located in the Annex behind St. Luke's Building C. All Christmas items are now 50% off! For more information visit st.lukes.org/umw.
*Face coverings and social distancing are required on St. Luke’s campus.
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Registration for VBS Volunteers opens on February 15! Volunteers will be able to register children early. General registration will open March 15.
VBS Dates: June 21-25
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Donate blood at St. Luke's on Sunday, February 21 between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. Just look for the Big Red Bus! All blood donors will receive a free COVID-19 antibody test, a $10 E-Gift card, a long sleeve shirt, and a free wellness checkup. Appointments are encouraged.
Click the button below to learn more and to make an appointment:
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St. Luke's has all new opportunities to volunteer remotely or semi-remotely with our marketing and communications team. Be part of sharing Kingdom moments with our congregation and community in one of the follwoing roles:
- Volunteer Social Media Ambassador (immediate need)
- Volunteer Graphic Designer (immediate need)
- Greeting Card Writers (email Antony Larry to express interest)
Click the button below to learn more and express interest:
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Connect with Youth Ministries
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Give to St. Luke's Ministries
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December 2020 Financial Update
Our overall giving (including Missional giving) in 2020 was up compared to 2019, even though our budget revenue came up just short of expenses.
We collected an additional $358,000 in Missional giving to help with pandemic-related needs for our community.
Giving to the budget through December 2020 (less PPP): $3,500,781
Budget Giving was down 1%
Budgeted expenses through December 2020: $3,526,525
Budgeted expenses were up 4% due to lack of income from revenue producing ministries because of the pandemic.
Without the PPP funds, we finished in an unfavorable 2020 YTD position of -$25,744
With the PPP funds, we are in a favorable 2020 YTD position of $536,942
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Click the button below to start giving online or call the finance office at 407.876.4991 ext. 227 to learn more about additional ways to give.
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