Grand Valley State University

Lakers Ready

Division of Academic Affairs
July 10, 2023

Lakers Ready is sent by the Office of the Provost
to faculty and staff within the Division of Academic Affairs
In this issue of Lakers Ready
  • Laker to Laker
  • Empowered Education
  • Educational Equity
  • Engaged Scholarship
  • Updates
  • Events
  • Important Dates and Links

Laker to Laker

Dear Colleagues,
This Laker to Laker note is co-authored by three of your Vice Presidents, B. Donta Truss (VP for Enrollment Management and Educational Outreach), Jenny Hall Jones (VP for Student Affairs), and Fatma Mili (Provost and Executive VP for Academic Affairs) to share in our excitement about the upcoming year and update you on the collective efforts undertaken to promote student success.
First, we would like to join President Mantella in thanking all of you for all the work you do. Thanks to your impact and to President Mantella’s advocacy, the Board of Trustees has approved a 4.5% performance-based compensation pool increase for regular faculty and AP staff. 
Another reason to celebrate is the approval of one of the most Higher Education-friendly budgets the state has passed in years. It includes a 5% increase in operating support and an acceleration of the floor of $4,500 per student from disbursing it over three years to disbursing it over two years. As a result, GVSU has received $7.4M more than projected. The third reason to celebrate is the enrollment growth this coming Fall. We are all working in tandem to make sure that we are Lakers Ready for both new and returning Lakers.
Thanks to the efforts of all university stakeholders, we are poised to have one of the largest incoming classes in years. As of July 8, applications, admissions, and orientation reservations exceed last year. This year has the potential of being a great recruitment year and an incoming class that looks similar to pre-covid years and beyond. It is an exciting year at GVSU. We ask that you keep spreading the good news and helping us to “close the deal on students” and eliminating summer melt. We are almost at the end of the road and the goal is to finish strong, it is truly an exciting time to be a Laker! 
With the large first-year class and an increased interest in living on-campus for our upper-class students, the living centers will be very full this upcoming year. So full in fact, that we are currently contracting with an off-campus partner to secure GVSU spaces in nearby apartment complexes. These spaces will now be GVSU apartments on the Laker Line and we will staff them accordingly, with both RAs and GVPD presence and jurisdiction. 
The three divisions have worked closely to restructure orientation adopting several national best practices. We have been monitoring together the enrollment throughout the summer adjusting course schedules by mostly adding new sections where needed and identifying new and existing faculty to teach these new sections. Between May 8 and July 7, 95 new sections were added, and 37 scheduled sections were canceled. Special thanks go to everyone involved in this work: in particular, the Registrar’s office, Associate Deans, and unit heads. This cross-divisional collaboration, the agility and responsiveness of adding sections in real time during orientation is truly exemplary of what it means to be Laker Ready. 
With the majority of orientation sessions now complete, we are turning our attention toward welcoming students for the fall semester! On August 1, incoming students will receive an online module focused on life at GV including community expectations, health and well-being, getting involved on campus, and a range of other topics. And when students begin to move in on August 22, we will officially launch our Laker Welcome program which will include a wide range of events and experiences for students both during Welcome Week and the first six weeks of classes, including Convocation as the signature experience to launch their Laker era. 
We are deeply humbled by the faith placed in GVSU by every one of the new and returning Lakers. It is the greatest privilege and the greatest responsibility. We strongly believe that we have the best team and would like to use this opportunity to express our gratitude to every one of you for everything you do.
Best regards,
Donta, Jenny, Fatma
Tall trees

Empowered Education

In Reach Higher 2025 we commit to an empowered educational experience, one where we commit to helping students discover their passion and guide and support them along the way.
There is a large and growing number of our students who are concerned about the environment and who look to us to gain agency in understanding and addressing this challenge. The Summer 2023 issue of GV Magazine has an excellent comprehensive story about how our faculty are responding to students sense of disempowerment around climate change and equipping them with the intellectual tools, the skills, and confidence needed to understand and act on this global challenge. This is truly what an empowered educational experience is about.
We strongly encourage everyone to read the feature article and discover all the ways in which this issue is addressed at GV through curricula, extracurricular, research, and engagement activities.

Educational Equity

New Student Orientation and Registration (NSOR)
After 29 days of NSOR, 4787 new undergraduate students have registered (67,776 student credit hours). Each day, a minimum of 30 advisors are available for the entire session: 15 professional advisors and 15 faculty advisors. In addition, at least five professional advisors assist in the computer lab. Each day there are Honors faculty members and a Writing Department faculty member to assist students in choosing their writing placement. Success Coaches from the Student Academic Success Center (SASC) are on site as well. The faculty Director and Assistant Director of New Student Advising (Len O'Kelly and Brian Hazel, respectively) trouble shoot problems in the two labs, while an army of student assistants help the newest Lakers with basic questions. In addition to the new undergraduates, Transfer Orientation sessions are also underway, to date 919 new transfer students have registered, along with 781 new graduate students.

Engaged Scholarship

Each year, the Office of the Provost publishes a list of approved sabbatical leaves. The list for the 2023-2024 academic year is available on the Sabbatical website under the "Approved Sabbaticals" tab. As a reminder, the electronic sabbatical site is open for eligible faculty to submit a proposal for academic year 2024-2025. Proposals are due by 11:59 p.m. on September 1.


Shared Governance News
Official correspondence about shared governance decisions is available on the Faculty Governance website under the "UAS Recommendations & Provost Responses" button. Recent posts include:
  • Affiliate Faculty Contract Length
  • Timeline for Promotion


Seminars, Lectures, and Performances
An Evening with Great Michigan Read Author Angeline Boulley
In partnership with Michigan Humanities and Kent District Library, we are pleased to welcome the Great Michigan Read author Angeline Boulley on October 12, 6:00 p.m. at the Kentwood Branch Library. Boulley is a member of the Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians and a storyteller who writes about her Ojibwe community in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. She is a former Director of the Office of Indian Education, U.S. Department of Education. Firekeepers Daughter is her debut novel. A book signing will follow her talk.
Professional Development
GVSU Interprofessional Simulation Center Open House
You are invited to an immersive operating room (OR) experience during an open house of the GVSU Interprofessional Simulation Center. Guests will experience how undergraduate nursing students will be introduced to the OR before they participate in their in-person clinical OR observational experience. The Open House is scheduled July 11, 3:30 - 5:30 p.m. at DeVos Center for Interprofessional Health (DCIH), Room 310, Health Campus. View this brief video for a snippet of the OR interactive experience.

Important Dates and Links

Previously Shared Events
7/11 - GVSU Interprofessional Simulation Center Open House - 3:30 p.m., 310 DeVos Center for Interprofessional Health, Health Campus
10/12 - Author Angeline Boulley - 6:00 p.m., Kentwood Branch Library
11/8 - Author Robin Wall Kimmerer - 11:30 a.m., Grand River Room, Kirkhof Center, Allendale Campus

7/14 - Withdraw Deadline -12 weeks
7/28 - Withdraw Deadline - 2nd 6 weeks
8/7-8 - Exams - 2nd 6 and 12 weeks
8/9-11 - New Faculty Orientation

8/22 - University Address - 4:30 p.m., Pew Grand Rapids Campus
8/22 - Faculty & Staff Picnic - 5:30 p.m., Pew Grand Rapids Campus
8/24 - Fall Convocation - 7:00 p.m., Fieldhouse Arena, Allendale Campus

9/1 - Sabbatical Proposals due
Lakers Ready
- repository of this weekly newsletter and a link to submit content
Academic Affairs Campus Health Information - Winter 2023
Laker Family Network - repository of the monthly newsletter sent by the Division of Student Affairs to GVSU parents/supporters

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