High School Students: Apply For Work Crew Today!
Talk to your YL leader right away and give them the following information:
- Your name and email address (this is important, this email is where your official applciation will be sent!)
- Which workcrew sessions/camp you prefer. (See above. Give them a 1st choice, 2nd choice, etc. if you are availabe for more than one).
Your YL leader will then fill out a recommendation form using the information you gave them, Once they have completed your recommendation, they will let you know to be looking for the application! Don't have a YL leader but want to serve on workcrew? Contact Julie Reeves at jreevesyl@msn.com.
College-Aged Adults: Apply for Summer Staff!
You will need to know your local YL staff member's email address and your local area number in order to start your application (for Portland East YL it is jreevesyl@msn.com & OR60). If you do not know your YL area, you can find that using the links on the application. If you aren't connected to YL but still want to serve, contact Julie Reeves at jreevesyl@msn.com. Go HERE to start the summer staff application process!