The impact of our advocacy did not end with the Congressional Press Conference. Members who spoke at that Press Conference went on to sponsor a bill to defund the WHO, which passed through their subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee.
Again, the Sovereignty Coalition sprang into action. We worked hard over the July 4 weekend to find and input the contact information for all 60 members of the House Appropriations Committee and to design and publicize the campaign. We put out an urgent call to action, asking our advocates (that’s you!) to email and call your representatives to inform them that the only way to save our national sovereignty and personal medical freedom is by defunding the WHO. The results were spectacular. Advocates sent hundreds of thousands of emails to the House Appropriations Committee! The morning the Appropriations Committee was to vote on funding for the WHO, each member of that Committee received thousands of emails and countless phone calls informing them of the urgent need to defund the WHO.
The House Appropriations Committee voted to defund the WHO! And two Members – Mario Diaz-Balart and John Moolinaar -- sent the Sovereignty Coalition a video, thanking us for all we had done to make this possible. We thank them for their leadership as well! Please watch the 1-minute video HERE.
This was another major victory. It seems like a miracle to us. It is an example of democracy at work! We The People were heard by our representatives!
But another hurdle remained: The bill to defund the WHO had to be passed by the House as a whole. We launched another campaign. Our advocates (that’s you!) sent tens of thousands of emails to Congress asking them to #DefundTheWHO. The impossible became a reality. The House passed H.R. 4665, which contains provisions to defund the WHO and to require Senate approval before funding any instrument passed by the WHO or any other United Nations body.
Our work is not yet done. We still need to educate the Senate and the President of the urgent reasons to defund and exit the WHO – so we will be coming back to you to ask you to take action again. But it is important to celebrate important milestones along the way.
The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) is being used by the Chinese Communist Party, globalists, and their enablers in the Biden administration to end our sovereignty. Their stated goal is to promote “global governance” – by which they mean not the sort of representative, accountable government guaranteed by our Constitution. Rather, they seek to have the world run by elites through vehicles like the W.H.O., empowered to use health security as a pretext for anti-constitutional, totalitarian surveillance and control of Americans.
The only way to prevent such an assault on our freedoms is to withdraw the United States from the W.H.O. The first step is to stop the American taxpayers’ underwriting of that organization.
We are doing everything we can to protect our national sovereignty and personal medical freedom. Will you support us in this battle?