Sunday, June 2, after 11:00 worship - Spring Picnic
Sunday, July 14, 3 - 5 pm - Packing 10,000 meals with Rise Against Hunger. Food trucks in the parking lot after we work.
Sunday, August 18 - Kick OFF and Picnic
In Town Adventure
Rising 4th - 6th grades join us for in-town adventure and service June 24 - 27, 2024! You may sign up for one day, multiple days, or all 4 days, whatever fits your schedule. The cost for all 4 days is $150. The cost per day is $45.
We will have some outdoor adventure, do some hiking, go to a water park, and do some service projects as well.
June 3-9 - Music Camp
8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. each day
Rising 1st - 7th graders please join us for Music Camp 2024. Enjoy choir rehearsals, games, arts & crafts, story-time, handbells, dancing, and acting to prepare the musical that is performed on Sunday. Participants should also attend weekly Sunday afternoon rehearsals at 4:00 p.m. starting in April Please register on the church's website!
Click here to access this week's children's bulletin!