Breakfast RSVPS | Inaugural Sponsorships Available!
Breakfast RSVPS | Inaugural Sponsorships Available!
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Rotary Club of Oklahoma City

Club 29 Breakfast

Quail Creek Country Club | 7:00am | Maximum - 20 attendees | RSVP required 

June 10, 2021 -  Speaker: Susan Winchester Topic: Okla. Cabinet Secretary of Licensing & Regulations RSVP
June 17, 2021 -  Nicole Miller   OKC District 82 Representative  RSVP  

June 8, 2021 program
Quraysh Ali Lansana - Tulsa Race Massacre 100 year Anniversary

June 15th Meeting

The speakers for the June 15 Rotary Meeting will be Former Governors George Nigh, Frank Keating, and Brad Henry.  The Moderator will be Governor David Walters.

6-29-21 Inaugural RSVP and sponsorships 

Jerrod Shouse
2021-22 President

2021-22 Committee Selection Online Form 

Over the years, my favorite thing about being a Rotarian has been participating in our many committees. For me, some of my favorite committees have been One Pledge, Membership Recruitment, and Introduction of Guests and Visiting Rotarians. My participation in each one allowed me to make new friends in the club and understand how our committees make Rotary work!  
We have more than 40 committees that provide avenues of service, which include the administration of our club, assisting with our Tuesday luncheon meetings, community engagement, and international service. As a member of Club 29, I hope you will consider signing up for at least a couple of committees that are a good fit for you and your interests. 

As the world opens back up and our club meetings return to normal, all of our committees will be active and will provide you with opportunities to utilize your talents for the betterment of our Rotary Club and our community. Serving on a committee is easy, and the work is meaningful and fun! 
Please click the link in this email and sign up for committees today. If you have questions about what a specific committee does, each grouping of committees has a link to a description of the committee work. And don’t hesitate to email me or the club office if you have any questions. 
Please click the link in this email and sign up for committees today. If you have questions about what a specific committee does, each grouping of committees has a link to a description of the committee work. And don’t hesitate to email me or the club office if you have any questions. 
~ Jerrod Shouse

Rotary Perfect Attenders

For those who have perfect attendance, attendance tracking  started June 1, 2021.  Signing into the livestream will count as an in-person meeting.  Video Makeups will be allowed, 2 per quarter. 
Starting June 1, you must either attend in-person, watch the livestream and sign -in the online form, makeup the meeting at another Rotary Club, attend a committee meeting, attend a Club 29 breakfast, watch the video (2 per quarter allowed) or otherwise makeup the meeting, if you wish to maintain perfect attendance.  If you have any questions, please contact the rotary office.  

Club 29 Breakfast Meeting

Quail Creek Country Club | 7:00am
June 17, 2021
Speaker:   Nicole Miller  OKC District 82 Representative 
Maximum Capacity 20 persons
RSVP Required - Deadline - June 15

Update your contact information

If you have an update or correction to your business or residential contact information that has not been reported to the Rotary office, please update it here.  

Rotary Office has moved!

Please update your records, forward to Accounts Payable, or please update your online bank payment service. 
Rotary Club of Okla. City
625 NW 13th St. Ste 105
Okla. City, OK  73103
Phone: 405-235-5100
Contact email:
Executive Director Megan Law -
Membership Services Cheryl Byrd -

Meeting Schedule

Celebrating Years of Service in Rotary Club 29

These Rotarians have been members of Club 29 from 47 years to 1 year. 

Rotary Club 29 Online Directory

Rotary Club 29 has an online membership directory which contains current content information for all club members. The link to access the Club 29 directory can be found at the top of  the home page of or by clicking here.

OKC Rotary has provided this tool as a convenience  to help members stay in touch with one another. The online directory,  just like the printed roster, should only be used for Rotary purposes.  If you need help in accessing the directory, please email the office.  
 Happy Birthday to those Rotarians born in June!

Membership News -  

 You may nominate a prospective Rotarian by using this online form. Nomination Form  This form is also found in the "Members" section of
Club 29 Breakfast   Thursdays | 7:00am
Meeting location:
Quail Creek  Country Club 
3501 Quail Creek Road
Ron Rocke 
Joe Fleckinger  
Breakfast Committee Co-Chairs
Maximum - 20 persons
RSVP Required 

June 10, 2021
June 17, 2021
June 24, 2021
July 1, 2021
July 8, 2021

Email Us         405.235.5100
625 NW 13th Street, Ste 105, Oklahoma City, OK 73103
625 NW 13th Street Ste 105 | Oklahoma City, OK 73103 US
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