Dear CC Community,

It is with gratitude and appreciation that I am letting our community know that Dez Stone Menendez ’00 has resigned her position as director of innovation to pursue other interests. Over the past six and half years, Dez created and implemented a vision for creativity and innovation at Colorado College that has been impactful and she and her team have expanded the parameters of innovation programs within higher education.
In keeping with CC’s history of challenging educational norms, Dez designed Creativity & Innovation at CC to take a more radical, unique, and holistic approach to innovation than many of our peer institutions. Rather than building a stand-alone program, Dez implemented a broader, integrated vision to design new and creative programs.
Creativity and innovation have been sewn into the fabric of Colorado College since our founding in 1874 and will continue to be a connective tissue through all that we do. Please join me in thanking Dez for pushing us forward and wishing her good luck on her next adventure.

L. Song Richardson

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