Can you say "Sesquicentennial?"

Dear CC Colleagues,

You are invited to a sharing and conversation about the upcoming Colorado College Sesquicentennial. The first class at Colorado College was on September 9, 1874. We are seeding our excitement for the 2024-25 Sesquicentennial Celebration!

As the campus representative on the 150-Year Sesquicentennial Steering Committee, I plan to share the current ideas for recognizing this important moment. I want to hear about your memories and what makes you proud to be a Tiger. If you're graduating or will be on campus next year, I would like to gauge your interest in serving as a resource for ideas or serving on a working group related to campus-wide Sesquicentennial events, which begin in earnest in August 2024.

There are two sessions scheduled for the campus community. All faculty, staff, and students are invited. The session dates are:  

Thursday, May 11, and Tuesday, May 16. Both are in Tutt Library 102 (the Data Viz Wall space on the main floor) from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM.

I hope you can attend one of these sessions. Please email me if you cannot attend but would like to learn more about the 150th Anniversary Events.

Go CC!

Mike Taber
Professor of Education
Class of 1986 (Geology)
Class of 1987 (Master of Arts in Teaching)

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