Oakland University
Pre-Professional Advising
Friday, October 20, 2023

Table of Content

Pre-Professional Advising 
  • Workshops
    • Pre-Professional Workshops
  • Advising Events
    • "Health Science Advising" - Medical and Pharmacy Events (open to all majors)
Student Organization 
  • OSI -- Office of Student Involvment

Important Information
All Students
  • Summer Opportunity -- AmeriCorps Service Year
  • Service Opportunity -- Free SHPEP 6 Week Program
Medical Students
  • MCAT (Medical College Admission Test) -- Fee Assistance and AAMC Webinar

Pre-Professional Advising Information 

Workshops - Link to sign-up

OSI -- Office of Student Involvment

For student intrested in being apart of a community that is likeminded in their majors and disciplines, visit https://www.oakland.edu/osi/. The Office of Student Involvment has connections to many resources such as student organizations like Pre-Medical Society, Pre-Physicial Assistant Society, and Pre-Pharmacy Society.

Summer Opportunity -- Free SHPEP 6 Week Program

This summer, senior students will have the opputunity to do a service year with AmeriCorps. This program involves caring for infants and children up to age six who are at risk for abuse and neglect in Houston, TX. Hands of Hope AmeriCorps Members will serve these vulnerable children throughout a 12-month commitment, living in a private, gated community (at no cost) and receiving a living allowance. 

Hands of Hope AmeriCorps Members will work collaboratively with other AmeriCorps Members in the home to ensure that children’s physical, emotional, and mental needs are met. While the commitment to our organization is only one year, the impact AmeriCorps Members have on the children in their care is lifelong. In turn, the children’s strength, resilience, and love will also make a lifelong impact on them. 

This program is currently accepting applications for the September 2024-August 2025 service year. The application can be found at:

For more information, please contact Darean Talmadge 713-529-0639 or

Summer Opportunity -- Free SHPEP 6 Week Program

For more information and eligibility requirments, click here.

MCAT -- Fee Assistance and AAMC Webinar

AAMC Fee Assistance Program: MCAT Benefit
There are many benefits included in the AAMC Fee Assistance Program such as helping pay for the MCAT exam benefit before registration opens later this month. If approved for fee assistance, your students will receive a reduced registration fee ($140, instead of the full price of $335) for MCAT exams. There is also an opportunity to receive financial assistance for an updated evaluation to support an application for MCAT exam accommodations. For more information and instructions on how to apply, please visit aamc.org/accombenefit.
Students should apply to the AAMC Fee Assistance Program before registering for the MCAT exam as AAMC Fee Assistance Program benefits are not retroactive. For example, if you register for the MCAT exam before receiving fee assistance, you will not be reimbursed for the discounted rate. Learn more about the AAMC Fee Assistance Program benefits and eligibility requirements.

Preparing for the MCAT Exam Webinar
Are you preparing to take the MCAT exam? The AAMC will be hosting the next Preparing for the MCAT webinar on Wednesday, Nov. 8 at 3 p.m. ET. This webinar will provide examinees with an overview of the AAMC MCAT Official Prep resources and tips on how to use them to create an effective study plan. Click here to register for the webinar.
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